“All of it.”

He unclipped the canisters on his hips and passed them over. I could

smell he still had some hidden somewhere, but I sensed this was as much of a

concession as I was going to get.

“What do you have to do to make the circle?” Savannah asked him.

“Well, we’ve got to etch sigils around this whole warehouse. Even with

three of us, it’s going to take all day. We’ll make it as big as we can, but it’ll

have to be really simple for us to get it done. It’ll only protect against dream

intrusion, but not demon attacks or spells. And I’m afraid it won’t get rid of

fleas or prevent rabies, either.”

She reeled back and slapped him hard across the jaw. My wolf leapt in

my chest. It was perhaps the sexiest thing I’d ever seen her do.

He staggered back and rubbed his chin. “Holy shit, Savy, I was joking.

But dang, you pack a mean wallop. Are you on ’roids or something? Might

explain the moods…”

“You are a complete asshole, Casey.”

“Sorry.” He pointed to her I Hit Like A Girl T-shirt. “Guess I was


She stepped up, and a strange power emanated from her. She fixed him

with a hard look. “You need to cut the funny business. Just look around. By

tonight, this place is going to be crammed with werewolves. Mothers and

fathers with frightened children. Families like yours. You’re the only one

who can make sure they sleep safely tonight and the only one who can

prevent them from never waking up again.”

Pride welled up in my chest. Everyone in the room was watching this

showdown. They’d seen her take a stand and plead for their safety.

That was something. As much bad blood as there was in the room,

everyone here knew we were depending on the little prick’s spell tonight.

What stunned me was that amid all the scents of mistrust and resentment,

there was a flicker of hope.