My aunt narrowed her eyes and rested her elbows on the high table.

“First, because it’s not my place. I’m here to help, not run your life. Second,

it’s been clear from the start that the three ladies have their eye on you, and

there’s nothing anyone can do about that.”


“The fates, of course. They have their favorites. From time to time, they

pick a mortal and push as much on their plate as they can, just to see if

they’ve got what it takes. Thankfully, I think you do.”

My heartbeat rose as my temper twisted like a knife. “You mean this is all

happening because some heartless cosmic entity is just fucking with me?”

“It’s happening because you have the capacity to be great. To be special.

And that draws danger like a light draws moths from the night. Trust me, my

life at your age was an utter nightmare, too. But it made me like iron.”

I gritted my teeth and glared at the table because I didn’t want to glare at

her. This was messed up. I despised the way Jaxson could compel me with

his alpha presence. The way Kahanov had forced me to sleepwalk into the

arms of a demon. The way the wolf inside me could take control of my body.

I was tired of being pushed and pulled and thrown around. I wasn’t going to

give up control, even to the fates.

“I make my own destiny. I refuse to believe in fate,” I hissed.

“Well, clearly, they believe in you,” she said.

I shoved my bowl of ice cream back as frustration and resentment

strangled me to choking. I did my best to broadcast this is not acceptable into

the universe.

My aunt studied me silently for a while, then traced her spoon absently

around her empty bowl. “What were you after in Italy, anyway?”

I didn’t respond at first. Finally, with a sigh, I popped open my new,

expensive-looking Italian leather handbag and pulled out the Soul Knife. Just

touching the cool metal made my fingers sting. It felt evil.

I set it down carefully on the table. “This was what Kahanov was after,