strange, so quickly.

I stuffed the whole lot of clothes into the bag, and then, after a deep

breath, I stood and wove a dress of shadows around me. “Okay. Let’s do


“Take my hand,” Jaxson said, his voice strained.

I turned around and stepped up behind him. My stomach spun. I was

cloaked in shadow, but I was still naked and only inches away from Jaxson


He held out his hand, and I clasped it. “Don’t be afraid.”

“I’m not,” I snapped.


“Is your wolf ready?” he asked.

Oh, my God, yes please, I’m dying in here.

“She says yes,” I snarled.

“Good. Your wolf will know what to do. This time, let her come all the

way forward and take over. I’ll slow things down and push them along where

I need to. It’ll be easier every time.”


The monster inside slammed against my chest. The breath burst from my

lungs as my ribs erupted in agony. Doubt strangled my thoughts. I couldn’t

do this. I wasn’t a werewolf. I was just a girl from Wisconsin way out of her


I fought back.

Release me! the wolf voice snarled.

I gritted my teeth. I’m not ready! This is too much!

Jaxson’s voice brushed over my skin. “It’s okay, Savy. Let her out.

You’ll still be you. It’s time.”

I screamed in protest and arched my back as the wolf inside took control.

Hair ripped across my bare arms and legs, and I dropped to my knees. My

skin stretched and my tendons strained as my muscles writhed. I cried out in