Suddenly, my heart was beating faster. I wanted him to step closer and

press his body against mine and…

I slammed on the brakes. Why was I getting all hot and bothered for a

scrap of praise from him?

I crossed my arms and tried to look pissed. “I’m glad you’re not dead or

permanently paralyzed. You wouldn’t be very useful that way.”

He shrugged, but something flashed through his eyes. “The Viper’s

business card was enchanted with a stunner spell. I should have felt it, and

that mistake was on me. Thankfully, you chased her down.”

“What next?”

“By the sounds of it, we’re going to Italy to find this mage. He could be

in danger. If he’s still alive and has the artifact, we can negotiate. If Kahanov

has beaten us to the punch, then maybe we can find some clues to what he’s

up to. I’ll call Amal. She’s been working there and knows the territory. She

might even be able to find a way to call ahead and give the mage a warning

and a heads-up that we’re coming.”




Everything began moving at high speed as Jaxson hounded his contacts

for information and we grabbed supplies.

It turned out that Alessandro il Mago was a wealthy art collector and

mage of middling skill. While he reputedly kept a large staff, no one

answered the phone. An ominous sign that meant we were headed to la città

che muore for a house call and going in blind.

Forty minutes later, I got the chance to travel by teleportation portal for

the first time.

It was absolutely horrendous.

I clutched Jaxson tightly and screamed as the portal sucked us in and sent

us spinning through a gray abyss.