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Up next: keep reading for an author’s note on the archaeology, history,

and adventures that inspired this book!


Thank you so much for reading Untamed Fate!

As archaeologists, we love to include historical tidbits and exotic

locations in our stories. Savannah and Jaxson’s Italian adventure was inspired

by a trip we took with Linsey Hall, long before we began to think about

writing. One of the places we stayed was Civita di Bagnoregio—a tiny

village perched on a plateau in the middle of a heavily eroded valley. It

served as the basis for la Città Che Muore, the town where the mage lived.

The only way to reach Civita di Bagnoregio is to either ascend the donkey

path up from t

he valley floor or cross a long narrow bridge that stretches out

from the rim of the valley (we removed the bridge for our version of the


Civita di Bagnoregio was founded two-and-a-half millennia ago by the

Etruscans, who excavated caves in the hard volcanic tuff. The local geology

has put the town in a precarious position. While the city was constructed atop

the hard layer of tuff, the underlying layer is clay, and it is continuously

eroding (we actually saw several landslides while we were there). The plateau