Page 97 of Cry For Mercy

Chapter Thirty-Six


I can’t believe how things have changed. We’re finally, finally, getting closer, and my god… she’s fucking amazing. I just want to be inside her fucking non-stop.

For the millionth time, I mentally cursed Seb Bennett for almost putting me out of action. Thanks to him, I couldn’t lift her, and fuck her against the door like I’d wanted. Or, hell, in the shower, or any fucking place.

Truthfully, I should have given it another few days before I tried at all, but I couldn’t hold back. Something about her just attracted me, like a fucking moth to a flame.

My phone started ringing beside me, and I groaned. I’d been ordered to go back to my original phone, as in the one everyone could fucking reach me on. The chances were that the call wasn’t going to be a good thing.


“Yeah, good morning to you too, bruv.” Fuck. It’s a Bennett. Probably that bastard, Seb.

“Not ringing to send your regards to my ribs, I hope?”

He snorted. “Nah, I’ll do that in person. Look, I appreciate you staying on board. Just wanted to check in, and make sure we’re good, and you know, you’re going to be a good little boy now?”


“Yes, boss. I promise, boss. I’ll be a good boy, boss.”

He was laughing. “Yeah, that’s better, Butch.”

“You’re never going to stop calling me that, are you?”

“Not a chance. Now, listen. Nige is going to keep you posted on what the police decide, and we’ll go from there. Best steer clear of that bastard Harv’s dad, unless he reaches out to you. There’s no update as yet.”

I groaned. “Great, thanks for stopping by.”

“Oh, Butch? Maybe keep minding your P’s and Q’s with us, and you’ll go far.”

“Is this where I say, ‘thank you sir, may I have another’?” I muttered, keeping an eye on the bathroom door.

“Yeah, something like that. Okay. Stay out of trouble, bruv. Wait for Nige.”

“Yeah… I’ll sit and play with myself until then.”

“Careful not to chafe it.” He rang off, and I shook my head as I tossed the phone back on the bedside cabinet.

“Such a fucking prick.”

I wanted to join Julie in the shower. So damn much. I mean, I barely had the energy or the strength, and I’d seriously tweaked my wounded ribs when I fucked her, but it would never be enough. If I fucked her twice a day for the rest of our lives, it still wouldn’t be.

By the time she’d finished in the shower, I was almost mobile, and managed to shower without too much pain. We made it down to breakfast, and that’s when my phone went again.

“I swear, I should have fucking destroyed this thing.” I grumbled, answering the call.

“Mr Teller.”

“Jesus… what do you want, Nige?”

He tutted. “Not very polite, Mr Teller. We’re both just trying to do our jobs.”

I watched Julie, as she got up to make a fresh coffee for us both. I liked being in her kitchen with her, eating with her, after fucking her. It felt like life should be. Normal. Peaceful. Beautiful.

“So, what do you want?”