Page 93 of Cry For Mercy

Chapter Thirty-Five


I’d gone to bed early. Like mid-evening early. What was the point of staying up? I had nothing to do. Nowhere to go. Nobody to talk to. I just slipped out of my clothes, and slid naked into bed, curling my arms around myself. I wished that Adam hadn’t left. Wished that he would come back. I ached to hear my phone ping, and receive one of his ‘I’m outside, little angel’ messages.

It wouldn’t happen though, because his phone was gone, and he was gone, and that was the heartbreaking part of it. He was gone.

I cried into my pillow, until I finally fell asleep, my face pressed against the tear-soaked fabric.

I was woken later, when my phone rang, and I answered it without looking.

“It’s me, little angel.” Adam! I felt a wave of excitement, and then realised he was probably calling from some place he’d run to. I glanced at the screen, and it didn’t say ‘unknown’. It said MyBiker.


I felt a wave of sadness, because whether he was using his own phone again, or not, he still must be calling to say he was going, or gone. Tears rolled down my cheeks as I lay there, my phone to my ear.

“Julie? Talk to me, please. Say something.”

I started to sniffle, and he groaned. “Oh god. I’m so sorry, I’m sorry.”

I couldn’t talk then, because my breathing kept hitching, and I was full on sobbing.

“Fuck this. I’m coming over, little angel. Just wait. Stay where you are. I’m leaving right now.”

He rang off before I could argue, or tell him not to bother. I didn’t want him to come over. I didn’t want him to come over, just to leave me again. Not if he still planned to leave me alone.

I had so much running through my mind. Not least the missed pill situation. In the end, I’d decided to let fate decide if there would be a baby. I figured I’d start taking the pill again, and if I ended up being pregnant, then maybe that was meant to be.

I fell asleep again in the end, because exhaustion kicked in, and I let it take over.

When I woke the next morning, I rolled over, and bumped into something warm. And that warm thing grunted, and cursed.

“What the fuck!” I sat up in bed, ready to attack whoever the hell was in my bed, but the person beside me, with a wary look on his face, was Adam.

“Shhh it’s okay, it’s me…”

I stared at him, completely freaked out and confused.

“How in the hell are you in my bed?”

He frowned at me. “I fucking knew you weren’t with it last night. You let me in, Julie.”

No. I racked my brain. I had no recollection of that at all.

“No way. I’d remember. Did you break into my house? How did you get in, Adam?” I pulled the covers up, because I suddenly realised that I was naked, and he was certainly topless.

“Did we…?”

He grinned suddenly. “Calm down, sweet girl. I banged on the door, you grumpily let me in, wearing that little… uh… yeah, that fluffy bathrobe on the floor, and then you pretty much drifted back up here in a daze, and went back to bed. I just joined you. I swear, I didn’t do anything other than sleep.”

I really couldn’t remember it. Could I have been so half asleep that I didn’t know? Or did I sleepwalk? Oh hell… I started doing that in my early teens, but I’d grown out of it. Hadn’t I?

“Are you naked too?” I asked, because all I could see was his lightly tanned chest, and I dimly noticed that the bruising seemed to have reached its deepest shade.

“Do you want me to be?”

He sat up then. “Julie, is this okay? You were so sad last night; I just didn’t want to stay away.”