Page 76 of Cry For Mercy

I swiped the screen to answer.

“What the fuck do you want?” I snapped at Nige, who chuckled.

“Interrupting something, am I?”

I watched Julie head into the bathroom, her legs encased in a pair of my own sweatpants, rolled up at the waist and legs, because she wouldn’t sleep in her underwear, and her fleecy fucking pyjamas weren’t here. YET.

“Yes. Actually, you fucking are. You know how hard it is to pick up your phone when you drop it, and have cracked fucking ribs?”

He snorted, clearly not giving a single tiny fuck.

“Just wanted to give you a heads up, Mr Teller. The body has been identified. It’s go time.”

Oh fuck me. “Yeah? Well, your boss decided to try and put his boot through my chest yesterday, so I’m afraid I’m fucking out.”

Nige hissed in a breath. “Don’t be hasty, Adam. The way I hear it, you had it coming. Upsetting a lady like that. Shame on you.”

“Fuck you. You have no idea what happened.”

“Don’t I? You don’t think I have my finger on every fucking pulse when it comes to the Bennetts, and their business? It’s. My. Job.” My stomach rolled suddenly.

“Did you hear my conversation with Cass? Is that what this is about?”

I suddenly glanced at the closed bathroom door, panic hitting me again when I realised Julie could have heard me mention Cass. Thank god. Still closed.

“I don’t make a habit of listening to conversations in the Bennett house, Adam. That would be a huge invasion of privacy.” Yeah, like they give a fuck about that when it comes to anyone else.

“Right. So… assuming I can somehow get off this bed, to go and see Jeff… what’s the story?”

He filled me in, and I did my best to listen, and absorb it, while I watched Julie reappear and leave the room, heading into the hallway. Where was she going? I wanted her here. In my bed. Preferably on me or under me.

“You listening?” Fuck. “Yeah, mostly. Any idea when it’s going public?”

He tapped at his keyboard. “Yeah, you’ve got a few hours at most. Don’t let him hear it on the fucking news.”

“After this, I’m out, right? That’s it? Job done? I’ll be free of you bastards?”

He laughed. “Not my call. Speak to OUR bosses.”

Julie reappeared as the call ended, and she carried two mugs of steaming drink. Coffee, I hoped.

She set hers down, and brought mine to me, handing me two pills with it.

“Really you should eat with these, so once we’ve finished our coffee, I’m going to walk down to that supermarket down the road with the onsite bakery. Grab us something yummy.”

I grabbed her hand, kissing her fingers. “You don’t need to do that, little angel. Come sit… with me.”

She watched me wink at her. “I’ll sit with you. Not on you. Not yet.”

She joined me on the bed, sitting against the headboard, looking adorable in my t-shirt and sweats, which both looked massive on her. I had managed to sit up enough to rest beside her. The pills went down easily, once the coffee had cooled enough to sip.

“I need to tell you something.” I blurted suddenly, and mentally facepalmed. Smooth.