Page 72 of Cry For Mercy

I was rewarded with a feisty look. “I’m full.”

“Not yet, little angel, but as soon as I’m capable, you will be. In the meantime, please eat more. For me.” I enjoyed the little shiver that ran through her at my words, but was gratified when she picked up the bowl, and ate some more.

“I know you’re a dainty little thing, but it doesn’t mean you don’t need to eat, so I’ll be bossy about that…” I warned her, as she took another bite.

She suddenly placed her bowl on the tray and took it away, disappearing into the kitchen again.

When she returned, she popped out two of the stronger painkillers and handed them to me, followed by my coffee.

“You’re very good at this.” I commented lightly, feeling that if any person ever deserved praise for something they did in this life, it was her.

She smiled, and sat back with her coffee. I realised then that she wasn’t in work clothes. She wore jeans, and a short jumper. It barely skimmed the waist of the jeans. I wanted to slide my hands up under it, to see if I could reach those pert nipples that I knew were under there.

“You wore jeans to work? Casual Friday?”

Her face fell for a moment. “No. That’s the reason why I said I have some time on my hands. I’ve been ‘encouraged’ to take some time off.”

I suddenly felt like I might like whoever her boss was. And then I hoped it wasn’t a man, because I didn’t want one near her. My god, I’m getting as bad as the brothers with Cass. And hadn’t I seen the same possessive asshole behaviour in Marco too? With Lenore? Jesus. They were rubbing off on me.

“Isn’t that a good thing?” I finally asked her, because she looked so sad, like she’d lost everything.

She sipped her coffee. “I mean… if you need to be looked after, then the timing is perfect, but otherwise no. It’s not like I have lots of other stuff to keep me busy.” She frowned then, and shook her head once.


Her cheeks coloured. “Nothing. Just… I didn’t mean to tell you all that. I sound so pathetic.”

“If it helps, I’d definitely enjoy being looked after…” I said, shooting her a wink. Her cheeks reddened even more.

“I mean, you’d have to help me get undressed for bed, and sleep beside me, you know, purely to look after me.”

She frowned. “I need to get a taxi back before it gets too late. I’m not fond of being in them at night.”

I rested my hand on her knee, which was thankfully close enough to touch.

“You’re not getting a sodding taxi from here.”

Her giggle didn’t ease my sudden frustration.

“I’m serious, Julie. You’re staying here tonight. You’ll be safe here.”

She looked at me, her eyes trailing over me. “Because you won’t get beaten up a third time in two days?”