She suddenly laughed. It wasn’t one of the laughs I’d heard when we’d sat and giggled over the phone, or laughed together in the office. It was a slightly choked sound.
“No, sweetie. I’m fine. I’m… I’m better than fine. But I hate that I left you alone like that. You must have been worried sick.”
I felt like I needed to lean against something, so I wouldn’t end up lying flat on the floor. I wriggled around, until my back rested against the wall by my bag.
“I was. I was so scared. You just disappeared, and… there was just nothing.”
Cassidy sniffed a little, and I heard a man’s voice murmuring softly in the background.
“Are you with someone?” I asked at last, because what if she wasn’t there by choice?
She sniffed again. “Yes. I’m so sorry, Julie. I… I met someone. It was pretty intense, but I’m here with… him… living with him.”
“Who? Where?”
She sighed. “That’s not important. I want to know how you’re doing. I know that you sometimes need someone to talk to, and I haven’t been there for you. That won’t happen again. Save this number when we end the call. This is my new number, and you can reach me any time. Any. Time.”
The man murmured again, and she groaned. “How have you been doing, Julie?”
I tried pressing the phone harder to my ear, to try and pick up what the man was saying in the background. It was impossible. Did he call her baby?
“What’s his name?” I asked, wanting to know something about this man, who’d stolen Cassidy from my life, and left me alone.
She cleared her throat. “Uh, his name is… Ben. He’s, uh… good to me, Julie. You don’t need to worry about that.” The man was murmuring again, and I heard Cassidy giggle.
“No, go away and let me talk.” She finally hissed, and I heard the man chuckling. I picked up the name Cass. He calls her Cass. Like she’s a whole different person to who I once knew.
“Is now a bad time?” I asked, reluctantly, because I really didn’t want her to go.
“No, don’t be silly. I want to hear how you’re doing. And then we’re going to do this as often as you need, from now on. I’m so sorry for leaving you for so long.”
“I looked for you.” I blurted out, and she sighed. “I’m sorry.”
“I wasn’t the only one looking for you. Harvey from that bookshop was looking too.”
She was silent for a moment. “He’s not a good person, Julie. You need to stay away from him.”
Interesting. “Why do you say that? He rang me looking for you, the day you disappeared. He cared that you were gone.”
Cassidy cleared her throat. “Harvey was looking for me, because he was stalking me, Julie. He… he’s dangerous. If you see him, run.”
The man in the background was louder now. I heard him cursing, and the name Harvey. Everything suddenly became clear to me. She’d been afraid of him. She’d gone into hiding after he stalked her. And this man she was with, he was protecting her. Maybe even hiding her from Harvey.
“There’s a chance he’s dead.” I said next, hoping it would offer her some comfort.
She sucked in a breath. “Why would you say that?”
I suddenly didn’t want to mention Adam to her. It was too awkward. I was too humiliated to go there.
“Uh… I haven’t been able to reach him in a long time. It’s like he’s vanished too. Like you.”
Cassidy sighed. “Just please stay away from Harvey, and anything to do with him. Focus on work. Let that keep you safe. And call me, any time.”