Page 48 of Cry For Mercy

Well, I think I cheered him up. Now… why wasn’t Julie replying?

I sent a text to the Bennett assholes, before I risked going back to her.

Me: Lots of police at the site, nobody saying anything about him being ID’d yet. Got some nice holiday pics to show the dad though. Update complete.

I was putting on my seatbelt when my phone buzzed. Please be Julie. I grabbed it and groaned.

BennettDicks: Your update is complete when we fucking say it is. Talk to the dad tonight. Then you can send a final update for today.

Me: Why don’t you go suck… I stopped myself there, deleting the message, before I let my real feelings out again. See? I’m learning.

Me: On the way back into town now. Will send demanded update after that. If that’s quite alright with his lordship.

Or not. I’m dead.

I headed back toward the place I really wanted to be. Julie’s house. Stopping at the Holiday Inn on my way through, because I had to try and update Jeff, I rang him from outside.

“Please tell me you have something.” He said, as soon as he answered. Shite. Big massive buckets of shite.

“Can I come in to talk to you? It’s urgent.”

He cursed under his breath. “I’ll meet you in the bar.”

He’d probably prefer more privacy than that, but how do I tell him that without letting on what I’ve found.

“I’m walking in now.”

I ended the call, and made the walk inside that I really didn’t want to make.