Page 25 of Cry For Mercy

Chapter Eleven


I had a fucking sleepless night. After jerking off when I got back home, I spent a few hours reading through what Jeff had sent me, because no way was I going to see the bastards tomorrow, without some idea of what to say, which would in no way include a single word about Julie. She was mine, and I’d risk my life to keep her that way.

When I eventually settled down to sleep after three in the morning, I tossed and turned, until I gave up again around six, and chain-drank coffees until eight. I had no idea what the fuck to get for breakfast, so in the end, I stopped at the nearest bakery chain, and grabbed a bag full of various fucking things. Warm sausage rolls, fucking doughnuts, and some Danish pastries. Breakfast. Seriously. Coffee is breakfast.

I took the car to their place, because as much as I’d love to be on the bike, I would be carrying too much breakfast shit, and so I hadn’t even tried. It was also still icy. Cold as fuck. My breath clouding in front of me, as I walked up the gravel path to their door.

Cass opened the door, offering a huge smile. “Morning Adam. Come on in.” She backed up, and let me in.

She was alone, which was strange, but actually better than I could have hoped for.

“They’re just showering. We, uh… had a late start.”

I didn’t want to know a fucking thing. I shoved the warm bag in her direction, and she took the food to the kitchen, arranging it on a couple of big plates.

“Wow, this all looks great, thanks, Adam. How sweet of you.”

I shrugged. “I’d like to take the credit for the gesture, Cass, but I was pretty much ordered to bring it.”

She shook her head. “Honestly, they can be so bossy.”

I set down the file I’d brought with me, at the large dining table, because she’d set up the breakfast stuff there.

She offered me a coffee, and I realised I had a perfect opportunity in this moment.

“Um… Cass?”

She gave me another of those big smiles, as she slid a black coffee in my direction. She reached for milk and sugar, adding it to the other mugs she was preparing, and looked at me.

“Nah, I’m good, thanks.”

“What did you want to ask?” She stopped fussing, and stared at me.

“Uh… at the risk of getting myself even more dead than I’m probably going to end up. Is your name Cassidy? Cassidy Donovan?”

She paled as she stared back at me. “I… uh… how did you know?”

Jesus fuck. I’m dead.


Two matching bastards strode through the door then, both in black jeans and black t-shirts, and one made a beeline for the food, while the other went straight to Cass. He practically wrapped himself around her from behind, backing her up to the kitchen counter with him, like he wanted her further away from me.

“Don’t worry, I know not to touch.” I said quietly, doing my best not to piss them off this time.

He frowned deeply. “Yeah… best you don’t. If you know what’s good for you.” Cass shook her head.

“Sammy, be nice. He brought food, look.” She pointed, and we all turned to see Seb with a mouthful of food, and a small piece of the huge sausage roll in his hand. He shot us a sheepish grin, finishing the mouthful. “Sorry… Cass helped me work up a bit of an appetite this morning.”

My eyes closed of their own accord. “Jesus fuck.” I muttered.

Cass cleared her throat, drawing our eyes back to her, and her pink cheeks.

“Let’s get settled at the table.” She suggested, picking up two of the coffees, while Samuel, or Sammy as she called him, grabbed the third.

I followed, and shook my head when Cass offered me some of the food.