Page 132 of Cry For Mercy

Chapter Fifty-One


About ten minutes after Lenore left, I already felt like I’d had enough alone time. Every sound in the room, and outside of it, made me nervous. Every few minutes, I expected the door to crash open, and him to be there. Even though I knew he wouldn’t. Knew he couldn’t.

When there was a gentle knock on the door, and the nice kindly nurse poked her head in, I was beyond relieved to see someone. I waved her in, and she stepped up to the side of the bed, checking machines, which I dimly realised were plugged into tubes in the back of my hand.

“What’s this stuff for?” I asked her, and she pointed to the bag hanging up.

“We’re just keeping you hydrated, while you’re recovering. It’s just to stop you dehydrating. Sometimes after… sometimes people stop looking out for themselves, because they’re lost in their heads.”

“I’m not your first rape victim then.” It wasn’t a question. She tutted at me, and I looked up from the blankets, where my gaze had fallen.

“Survivor is the word, love. And from the number of people waiting out there, for any word on how you’re doing, I’d say you have a big family of loved ones, who want to help you with that journey.”

I stared at the door. “I barely know most of them.”

She smiled, as she noted something on a chart, and dropped it back in the holder.

“Well, that doesn’t make them any less determined to wait here, and offer support. Now… you shouldn’t sit alone. Who do you want me to send in here with you?”

I fiddled with the tubes in my hand, feeling them pinching at my skin.

“I want to say Adam, but I feel nervous about seeing him.” I whispered.

The nurse nodded. “That’s understandable, love. You’ve suffered a traumatic experience, but if he’s who you would normally lean on, then he may be just the person you need right now. But I’ll happily send in anyone you want. There is another woman out there, with long black hair. And a whole bunch of other men, the infamous Bennetts among them.”

I shuddered. “I definitely don’t want to see them. They’re big and scary. I don’t need that right now. And I can’t face Cass. Yes, please tell Adam I need him. If I don’t face him now, I may never have the courage.”

She smiled. “I’ll do that, but remember this, Julie. You have nothing to be ashamed of, or feel embarrassed about. If this Adam is the man who loves you, I promise you he’ll only see the woman he loves, who needs him right now.”

I nodded. If he was going to be the opposite, it was better to know now.



The door to the little room creaked open, a light tapping on it occurring as it opened. A nurse peeked inside.

“Adam Teller?” I nodded, sitting up straight, taking a deep breath.

She smiled. “Julie is asking for you.”

I felt a wave of panic, because the moment was here, and I had to man up, and be what she needed. Just like everyone kept telling me. I swallowed hard, pushing myself up from the seat.

She put her hand on my arm, as I reached the door.

“I know you’re nervous, and so is she. Just listen, and be there for her. Let her know that you don’t see her any differently. And, I’m sure it goes without saying, but don’t touch her, unless she specifically requests it.” Damn right. Never again would anyone touch her without her permission.

“I’ll take you to her.” She led me from that room, past the waiting room, still full of Bennett personnel. I met Lenore’s eyes as we passed, and she nodded at me, offering a smile. The only other person I’d met, who knew what Julie was going through right now. Someone suddenly crashed into me, their arms wrapping around me, and I nearly fell backward, barely catching myself. Cass.

I stared at the top of her head, and immediately looked at the brothers. They both looked pained, but one of them nodded at me, so I hugged her back, just for a moment, keeping my eyes on them. It was safer that way.

“Tell her I love her, please.” Cass whispered as she stepped back, releasing me at last. I nodded, struck dumb by the intensity of the situation, and the fact that I just survived touching Cass. For now at least. One of the brothers retrieved her pretty quickly, but it was something I saw in my peripheral vision, as I hurried after the nurse. The doors were all the same in the corridor, all smart wooden ones, with no windows, and just numbers on the doors. Number four. That was the room we stopped at.

The nurse knocked on the door, and peeked in, and then she backed out, and nodded at me.

“Go on.”