Page 123 of Cry For Mercy

Chapter Forty-Seven


I was approaching the house, when I heard my phone ringing, and I answered it without looking.

“Nearly there, sweet girl.”

“Strangely, I think I prefer it when you call me a prick, or whatever else you say.” A Bennett voice said.

“Jesus Christ, what do you want?”

He laughed. “That’s kind of rude, considering we’re putting on a fucking lunch for you guys. Are you almost here?”

“Which one of you is this?” I parked the car on the road, turning off the engine.

“I’m hurt that you can’t tell the difference, bruv. It’s Seb. Cass is really excited to have time with Julie.”

I fell silent, noticing a car up on the curb outside Julie’s house. Who the hell parks like that?


“Uh… I’m just here to pick Julie up, and then we’re on our way. Oh… fuck me. I know that car.”

“What’s up?”

I glanced at the house, seeing no movement inside.

“Jeff Clarke is parked outside Julie’s house. I saw him with this car the other day. I remember the number plate, because I looked it up later.”

“What the fuck is he doing there?” Seb sounded vaguely concerned.

“I have no idea, but I don’t like it. You got anyone in the neighbourhood who can help?”

Seb muttered something in the background.


“Yeah, bruv. We’ve got someone on the way. It’ll be about five minutes. Go and make sure your lady is okay. If Jeff’s causing trouble, we’ll make him go away. For good, this time.”

He rang off, and I glanced at the phone, realising that Julie had never replied to my last message. On the spur of the moment, I rang Jeff’s phone. Hopefully they’d transferred the same number over for him.

He answered it, sounding out of breath.

“Adam! How interesting that you’d call right now.” I heard a muffled squeak in the background. Julie.

“Jeff, where are you, mate? I’ve got an urgent update. You need to hear this. I know who killed Harvey.” What the fuck am I saying? I crept up to the house, and tried glancing in the windows.

I couldn’t see anyone from the front window, or the kitchen window.

“Why don’t you come and see your girl, Adam? She’s desperate to see you.”

What the hell was he getting at? I heard Julie scream for help, and I lost my shit.

“YOU GET THE FUCK AWAY FROM HER!” I started kicking at the front door, and when it finally crashed open, I saw the one thing I never wanted to see in my lifetime.

The woman I love, pinned beneath a man, screaming for help.

I charged across the hallway, crashing into him, knocking him away from her. We struggled with each other, both trying to best the other, in a pitiful example of a fight. He threw punches, I threw punches. He laughed in my face. Told me it was all my fault. Told me she deserved it. More hateful crap spewed out of his mouth, as I started slamming his head against the hard floor.