Page 120 of Cry For Mercy

“It’s so delicious to me, when women think I’m some kindly older man. When I was younger, I thought aging would be the worst part of being alive, but it seems the older I get, the more easily women write me off. Oh, he looks nice. He’s harmless. He wouldn’t hurt me. It makes it so much easier to catch them unawares, or catch them alone.”

My god. Who was he? I moved away from the wall, his eyes tracking my movements.

“My boy, Harvey, he was nothing like his old man. It bothered me. Because every time I saw him with her, I wondered why he didn’t just take what he wanted from her. He’d always looked at her like he worshipped her. That’s not how women should be treated. You’re all the same. Sluts. Whores. You’re only good for one thing. And once we’re done fucking you, what’s the point in your existence?”

I was trembling so violently, that I felt like I was being shaken by someone.

“This can’t be you.” I whispered, desperate to see the other Mr Clarke. The one I’d felt for. The one who desperately wanted to find his son alive.

“It feels good to be able to stop pretending, Julie. Pretty, delicate little Julie. So powerless. So fragile. Living all alone, like every other foolish woman, independent and brave. Instead, you just make it easier for men like me.”

He stalked me as I backed toward the front door, smirking when I reached behind me, trying to unlock it.

“You’re not going anywhere, little girl. Not now. You woke the beast in me. He’d been dormant. So few women were appealing to him lately. Especially not when we had Harvey to worry about. And now my poor boy is gone. I literally have nothing left to live for. So no more reason to toe the line. No more reason to suppress the monster inside me. The one who’s going to tear your clothes away, and torture every inch of that precious body, so I can fuck you as the light leaves your eyes.”

I turned and desperately pulled at the door, trying to open it. It’s my door. I should know how to open it. Why won’t it open?

His hand fisted in my hair, and he pulled me back, tossing me across the hallway, my head cracking against the hard wooden floor. I was stunned for a moment, blinking slowly, dazed. He advanced on me, a dark smile crossing his face.