Page 104 of Cry For Mercy

“See, we thought about beating the living fuck out of you, but I’m not sure that’ll teach you the lesson you need to learn. Your kind don’t change. They don’t learn. They certainly don’t fucking quit. And there’s no fixing your kind of sickness.” Samuel was making me more and more confused.

“You know, we’re all for a little crime… a little bending of rules, or… you know… stepping over boundaries like they don’t fucking exist. But what you do? That is so far fucking beyond the line, that it’s not something even people like us would do. You fucking predator.”

I stared at Seb as he spoke, wondering what the fuck they thought I’d done.

“Give him a chance to say his last words?” Samuel asked, looking not at Seb, like I’d expected, but at Cass.

She chewed her lip. “I guess so. What can he possibly say to make it alright though?”

I tried yelling at them, needing my mouth, so I could ask what the fuck was going on. I felt like my heart was going to beat right out of my chest. I’d never been more terrified in my entire life.

Samuel leaned over, and placed his hand firmly over the tape on my mouth.

“When I remove this, you’re going to stay fucking silent, until I tell you to speak. You scream, or yell, and I’ll let Seb gut you, like the perverted asshole you are.”

I nodded rapidly. Just get this fucking thing off my face.

He tore the tape away, and I gasped with pain, as it pulled at my skin, and reminded me of my injured face.

“Please.” I blurted, and his eyes narrowed on me.

“What did I just fucking say?”

Seb stepped closer with the knife, using it to slice open my t-shirt, drawing the cold steel down my chest, towards my fucking genitals. I held my breath, praying for some way out.

“I’m thinking of feeding him his own severed cock, before I slice his nads open.” Seb said in a conversational tone, to his brother.

Cass stood up, walking over to us. I prayed that she’d at least let me speak. Although… if I was going to die anyway, what was the point of staying quiet?

“Cass… please help me.” I gasped out, silenced after those few words, by Seb’s knife at my throat.

“Why did you do it, Adam? I thought you were one of the good ones.”

I stared blankly at her. I was so fucking confused, and terrified.

“I am.” I blurted, and she stepped closer, before Samuel practically wrenched her back.

“Not too close, baby.”

“Please. I don’t know what’s going on.” I whispered, so afraid that every single word would be the one that kills me.