Page 117 of Risky Business

Carlo makes the arrangements and drives us back to the airport and the waiting plane. The flight is easy, and before I know it, we’re landing again. As we walk down the steps of the plane, I realize something. “Oh, I don’t have a car here. I had Javier drive me.”

Carson smirks devilishly. “I’ve got my motorcycle right over there. You want to go for a ride?”

I think back to the first time I rode his motorcycle with him and how exciting and terrifying it was. I felt unsure with Carson, wild and untethered, with the wind rushing past me and honestly uncertain whether I could help him as a client.

Things are so different now.

I feel grounded and sure of not only myself in deeper ways, but of Carson. I’ve learned what’s really important and that trust can be worth the risk. Carson certainly is. He’s the biggest risk I’ve ever taken and my most valued reward.

“I would love to,” I answer. “But no risky business. I want us to get home in one piece.”

“Me too, Jayme.” Carson slips my helmet over my head, adjusting the clip beneath my chin. With the face shield still up, he ducks in for a quick kiss before grabbing his own helmet. “Make sure you hang on tight. It’s gonna be a hell of a ride.”

I wouldn’t have it any other way. We roar off into the night, and I’m not sure if we’re going to my place or his. I don’t care as long as I fall asleep in his arms.



“Hey, man, you still going to be able to get those tickets for me?” Myron asks, looking nervous.

I grin, patting his thick shoulder. I won’t call him a buddy, but we’re simpatico now. “Of course. Though I couldn’t get the front row ones I promised.”

Myron’s face falls, but he rallies quickly. “No worries, no problem. General admission is fine,” he says hopefully.

I can’t hold a straight face much longer. Myron’s too good of a guy. Despite looking like he could beat the shit out of you with one punch, I’ve learned that Myron is a real softie like Jayme said. Case in point, he looks out for the widow and daughter of one of the guys he served with, and when we announced that Jazmyn Starr is coming back to headline the second annual Freedom Fest this spring, he asked if I could help him get tickets.

Of course, I said yes.

“Yeah, I could only get VIP Access ones. I hope she won’t mind being part of the on-stage group instead of in the crowd.” I let the mic drop on that, waiting for it to hit the floor of Myron’s mind.

“Holy shit, man! Are you for real?” He shakes my hand so hard that my teeth rattle in my head. “Thanks a lot!”

“No problem. Glad I could help,” I tell him. “I’ll bring them home as soon as the lanyards come in.”

Myron goes to grab the door and then whispers, “She has no idea.”

“I know,” I reply, excited for what’s happening tonight and impressed with myself for being able to plan something right under Jayme’s nose without her realizing a thing. “We’ll go up top at five o’clock sharp.”

Myron nods. “I’ll call if there’s any delay.”

Upstairs in our apartment, I find Jayme sitting at the dining table, stacks of contracts surrounding her and her laptop glowing brightly. She usually works in her office down the hall, but sometimes, she prefers the windows out here as a change of scenery. She waves at me with a distracted smile, talking sharply into her headset, “I’m glad you agree with me that the priority here is accessibility. Your client comes off as out-of-touch, quite frankly, and that’s concerning beyond the scope of this current issue. He needs to adjust more than his tie to make that happen.”

She’s quiet, listening thoughtfully, and then hammers right back. “If that’s all you’re looking for, Patrick can assign you a different consultant from within the Compass family. That’s not what I do and not what I recommend. If you want the best, that’s me. If you want results, you’ll do what I say. And so will the client.”

Fuck, she is sexy as hell when she’s in boss mode.

Thankfully, she hasn’t had to save my ass again. Once Jayme worked her magic with her initial suggestions and the first Freedom Fest, both my reputation and Americana Land’s image were restored. There was a small blip with the video of me asking for help, but the duet with Taya proclaiming success was equally viral and settled everything down . . . after a bit. At first, people wanted more answers . . . especially who I’d fallen for and what was going to happen next. People even started an online petition for us to have a live streamed wedding ceremony!