Page 113 of Risky Business

As if I would.

I keep licking and sucking, pumping into her deeply and holding my fingers there as I grunt encouragingly. Jayme’s cries of pleasure are high-pitched as she falls over the edge and into my arms. I hold her securely, affectionately telling her pussy, “I love you.”

She laughs lightly and taps me on the head to get my eyes. “I’m up here,” she says, her eyes sparkling as she holds V’d fingers up to them.

“Shh,” I whisper with a wink. “I was having a private conversation with my girl down here.” I tilt my head as though listening to her pussy tell me a secret and then nod. “Sure thing, babe.” As if her pussy requested it, I lick a long line from Jayme’s entrance to her clit, sampling her cum. She wiggles, laughing a bit.

The laughter ends with a satisfied sigh that’s the best compliment my ego’s ever heard. But I’m not done, not by a longshot. Now it’s my turn to be bossy.

“Lie down,” I command roughly, rubbing my palm over my rock-hard cock. The zipper of my jeans provides just enough painful pleasure to keep me from going insane. Jayme grins girlishly and damn near hops over to the bed to lie down, her head on the pillows and her legs scissoring together as she watches me.

I reach behind my head, pulling my T-shirt over and off. Jayme’s eyes follow my hands as I rub my palms over my chest and down my abs. “Show me,” she breathes before catching her bottom lip between her teeth.

“You wanna see my cock. See what you’ve done to me?” I dare.

She nods silently, her eyes wide and hungry. I undo my jeans and push the front of them down, along with my underwear, letting my cock out. I don’t need to look at myself to know what Jayme sees. I’m stiff and swollen with desire for her, throbbing and purple with need and leaking pre-cum after experiencing the sexiness of her orgasm. I take myself in hand, giving the base a tight squeeze that makes me hiss as a drop of clear fluid runs over the tip and down my shaft.

“Sexy,” she growls. I swear that pride makes another rush of blood go south and I grow even harder. “Let me taste you.”

I step closer to the bed, holding my cock in hand. She sits up, leaning on her elbow, and sticks her tongue out. I trace the tip over her lips and then over her tongue. Her mouth closes down around me, and I moan at the heaven that is Jayme’s mouth. There’s only one thing better . . .

“Just for a second. I’m on edge, and I want your pussy.”

She grins with my dick in her mouth, her eyes looking up at me as though I’ve challenged her. “Jayme, please . . .” I hiss as she sucks my soul through my cock, taking me to the back of her throat over and over, her hands slipping up and down my length as her mouth does. I gather her hair into one fist, keeping it out of her way, and reach down to finger her pussy while she works me.

She takes me closer and closer to the edge, and I feel like I’m dancing with the devil, not sure if I’m going to be able to stop before I come but not willing to stop yet. Too quickly, I feel a tingle in my balls that starts to work its way up my spine, and I jerk away abruptly. “No. I want that pussy. Lie back.”

Jayme smirks, knowing she almost had me, but she reclines back to the bed, her head on the pillow and her hair fanned out like an angel. But she’s no angel. She’s my badass little devil.

As quickly as I can, I shove my jeans and underwear off the rest of the way and climb onto the bed between her bent knees. Sitting back on my heels, I take myself in hand to notch myself at her entrance. Our eyes meet and lock. “Jayme, I love you,” I vow, my tone more serious than our sexy talk. “Forever.”

“I love you too, Carson,” she promises. “You and me against the world.”

I know what that means to her. She has people, close friends and family she trusts. But I’ve been let in even beyond that small, inner circle. I’m not sure how I got so damn lucky, but I won’t ever betray her trust in letting me in. She’s seen all of me, the good and bad, but still loves me.

And maybe that’s what matters. We do see each other, not as some perfect image created by studying impact and statistical likability, but the real deal we hide from everyone else. We see the perfection in each other’s flaws and insecurities and don’t want the other to change. I want to be there for the successes, celebrations, and smiles, but I also want Jayme’s messy moments, her angry outbursts, and her worries because those are all a part of who she is. I’m willing to let her step forward to protect me when she feels it’s warranted because I’ll do the same for her. We protect each other because we’re building a future together.