“Bathroom break,” Wolfe announced. “Don’t start without me.”

Julietta shook her head in amusement, the obvious ad-oration on her face for him making Sawyer’s heart lurch.

odd. They acted just like a family would. The scariest part of all?

He loved every moment.

He gazed at his wife, who was cuddled under a cream-colored afghan. The conflict raging inside grew more vio-lent. Sawyer knew he was hurting her by not being man enough to even admit he’d heard her confession. once again, the confirmation he sucked at dealing with real emotions dragged him down.

Julietta loved him. The truth was in her eyes every time she looked at him. His ice queen was really a woman full of passion and goodness, opening her arms to a man who had once lived in garbage and walked in darkness. All he had to do was take her hand and take a chance.

Maybe he could. Maybe, just once, this time it would work.

“I forgot to tell you, some mail came for you today. It’s on the kitchen counter,” Julietta said.

“Probably a bunch of bills. Let me check, be right back.”

He walked into the kitchen and scanned through the envelopes. Then froze. The return address was stamped FISHKILL


His fingers numbed and dread slithered through his veins. The past rose up from Dante’s Hell and entered earth.

“I have to check something out real quick on the com-puter,” he called out. “Be right back.”

He headed toward his office, shut the door, and ripped open the envelope. He unfolded it and read the words from his hated foster father.

Dear Sawyer, Did you think that by changing your name and run-ning to Italy you’d avoid me forever? I know everything about you since you locked me up in this hellhole. You always did think you were better than anybody else. I took you in, gave you shelter, food, and you threw it back in my face. You should be in jail for killing Danny. You were such a pu**y, you couldn’t stay for your little brother. He trusted you to care for him, but you left. Left him knowing what would happen. You’re at fault, too. Does that bother you at night, or have you forgotten him and moved on with your perfect little life?

I’m coming up for parole. You may have put me in this place, but you’re going to help get me out. I need you to recommend my release, which will help me in court.

I can hear you laughing now and asking why you’d do that. And I’ll tell you why. If you don’t, I’ll find a way from prison to destroy your reputation.

We have a lot of time to think and plan in here. I’ll destroy everything you’ve built. I’ll leak the story to the press. Tell your sweet little family the shit you pulled, the way you killed your brother because you didn’t take care of him. Or have you just replaced him with that kid in your house and moved on?

I’ll use my last dying breath to drag your past into the open. I’ve got nothing to lose. Do you?

Send the written letter in care of the parole board address below.

Sawyer shoved the letter back in the envelope and threw it in the desk drawer. He despised his automatic fear, a boy’s fear, and reminded himself he was a grown man.

That it was over. He’d never give the ass**le a way out of prison, a way to hurt other kids.

The best memory of his life was the one of his foster father going to jail. once Sawyer lost Danny, he went straight to the social workers and exposed what had been going on for years. Within months, the piece of shit was behind bars for a long, long time. It was the only justice that allowed him to sleep at night.

Now he was back.

The other memory shoved its way into his brain and carved him in raw, bloody pieces he knew would never heal.

An innocent boy on the streets was ripe for anything to happen. Danny had been looking for Sawyer, trying to find him, believing he was old enough to make it on his own.

Instead, he’d fallen into one of the local gang traps and was caught stealing their food. There was a price to pay on the streets, and his brother paid the ultimate price.

Sawyer’s fault.

He stared sightlessly at the floor. His heart beat and air filled his lungs. Blood pumped through his veins. But inside, he was empty, a soulless being with a past that would never go away and that would continually remind him he was nothing.

His fingers lifted and he traced the scar on his cheek. A reminder of what he’d almost forgotten. He was better alone.

Julietta and Wolfe would be dragged into a mess, and poor Wolfe didn’t need that type of exposure. Not when he was just beginning to heal. He thought over the options for a long time before returning to the living room.

Wolfe sat on the chair with the remote in hand. “ready, man?”

His tone was wooden. “Sorry, guys, I gotta hit the bed.

you two finish it up. My head’s starting to hurt, and I need some sleep.”

Julietta studied his face, probing for answers. He forced a smile and left them.

When she finally came into bed and slipped in beside him, Sawyer pretended to be asleep. He lay still for hours, throughout the night, and wondered what he was going to do.

Julietta sat in her office and stared at her sister. “Something’s wrong. really wrong.”

Carina put down her coffee cup and looked at her with concern. “What’s the matter?”

The itchy restlessness drove Julietta to stand up and begin pacing. The nugget of worry had now blossomed to a full-fledged attack. A few nights had passed since their movie marathon, and her husband was no longer the same.

A faceless, nameless ghost haunted every moment, evident in the preoccupied look in his eyes, the distance carved out on his features when he spoke. He cited work and refused to eat dinner at home. He sidestepped her request to speak with him alone, ready with a list of excuses, and kept himself locked in his office or endlessly talking on the phone.

He canceled an outing with her family and kept away from her mother’s house. When he wasn’t working, Julietta caught him staring at the wall, as if another place was on his mind. She’d tried to be patient and understanding. Tried speaking with him. even tried sex, but by the time he came to bed, it was the middle of the night, and she’d fallen into an exhausted sleep.

“I think he got spooked. I told him I loved him the night we went out. During sex.”

Carina swiveled her head around. “Hey, you weren’t supposed to have sex that night. We agreed, remember?”