Maggie grinned. “The twins should pop back up in a few. Good luck.”

Carina and Julietta didn’t speak. Just gave their men a look and eased past them toward the front door.

Sawyer glanced around, not understanding. “Wait.

Where are you going?”

Julietta winked. “out. Don’t wait up.”

In a cloud of sensuality and mystery and pissed-off hor-mones, they shut the door behind them.

Out at home.

“Stood up by our own husbands.” Maggie ran a finger over the rim of her glass and sucked the salt off her finger. “Pathetic.”

Alexa sighed and stared moodily into her chocolate martini. “I shaved. Waxed. Bikini wax!”

Carina clucked in sympathy. “you know how men are when they get together. Probably talking stupid violent movies and sports. remembering the good old days when they were young and free and drunk.”

Julietta looked at the depressed women in front of her.

She took charge and spoke in a crisp tone. “enough. yes, we missed out on romantic dinners, but when was the last time any of you went out for ladies’ night?”

Maggie shrugged. “Too long.”

“exactly. So let’s stop whining about our husbands and enjoy ourselves.”

Alexa perked up. “Julietta’s right. This is just as good.

Shopping at Marc Jacobs and eating at the café is a dream.

Promise no more complaining. Look at this place!”

Julietta glanced around the familiar café. She’d stopped many times along the way to grab a drink or do some shop-ping, but seeing it through Alexa’s eyes made her appreci-ate the sleek design of illuminated glass, sprawling bar, and tiered ceiling. The bar hopped, music blared, and their table looked out over all the action.

“Agreed,” Maggie said. “ But we have to stick together on one point. They need to be taught a lesson.”

“Absolutely. What do you think we should do?” Carina asked.

Her sister-in-law grinned. “It’s what we don’t do. No sex tonight.”


Julietta knew how they felt. Sure, she was mad at Sawyer, but she still looked forward to climbing into bed with him after girls’ night out.

Alexa sank back into gloom. “Good-bye painful bikini wax.”

Carina pursed her lips. “Couldn’t we just torture them a lot in bed?”

Maggie shook her head firmly. “No. It will drive the lesson home. Just tonight. Hell, by the time we all get home, we’ll be exhausted, and they’ll be sleeping anyway. We won’t suffer at all. But this needs to be a united agreement.”

Julietta rallied. After all, it would be the easiest for her.

And a night alone might be the best thing for both of them.


Carina and Alexa chimed in.

Maggie rubbed her palms together, green eyes sparkling. “Great. They have music starting in a few, so we can dance. Now that we’re not having sex, let’s talk about sex.”

Her gaze swung around like a radar. “Starting with Julietta.


“Me?” She ducked her head to fight the color in her cheeks and took a sip of her Kahlúa. “Uh, it’s good. We’re good.”

Carina giggled. “you’re blushing. That says it all.”

Curiosity made her face her sister. “Hmm, since you could have been in my place, maybe I should ask you. Didn’t you spend some time with Sawyer before Max?”

Carina made a face. “I didn’t fool around with my new brother-in-law, Julietta! We shared a short kiss that meant nothing. He was a nice distraction while I trying to make Max jealous. But he had all this brooding, sexual energy that seemed quite yummy for the right woman. It wasn’t like that at all between us.” Her dark eyes sparkled. “But with you he’s so different. Calmer. Happier.”

Julietta jerked back. “really? How do you know?”

The women shared a worried glance. “Why do you seem surprised?” Carina asked gently. “you got married. you’re obviously madly in love. Is something else going on?”

odd, she’d always been close to her sisters but had never shared her personal secrets. Venezia was too different to understand, and Carina was always too young. The girlfriends she hung with were always chosen from work and rarely scratched the deeper surface of sharing thoughts, dreams, and fears. Her innate loneliness had become such a part of her makeup, she’d never thought to question it. But since Sawyer had stormed into her life, she craved more.

Including friendship.

Her heart pounded and she dragged her sweaty palms down the length of her skirt. “We didn’t elope like we told everyone. We had to get married.”

Carina gasped. “Are you pregnant?”

“No. Mama made us.”

A short silence fell over the table. The sounds of the band starting up, glass tinkling, and laughter rang out.

Maggie cleared her throat. “Umm, Julietta, I think you need to tell us everything.”

Julietta did. When she was done with the whole story, a lightness tingled through her body. For the first time, she didn’t feel so isolated. How silly of her to be so afraid of opening up. The serious looks on their faces told her how much they cared about her, and that her fight was theirs.

Carina took her hand and squeezed. “I’m so sorry, Julietta. I had no idea you were going through this.

Meanwhile, I was telling the girls we finally had proof the love-spell book worked.”

The memory of creating the love spell and burning her list in the fire shimmered before her. Such an odd coinci-dence. “Nope, I guess this time it didn’t have the power. At least not compared to Mama.”

Carina took a deep breath. “I have my own truth to tell.

Mama made me marry Max.”

Julietta gasped. “What are you talking about? you married in Vegas.”

Her sister nodded. “We slept together. Mama came to visit and found us. She threatened Max and me, and we ended up eloping.”

Maggie drained her margarita in one long gulp. “you guys are starting to freak me out here. you’re making her sound like some crazy mob boss.”

“Her reasons were solid, and Mama is very strict on tra-ditional values and doing the right thing. She also told me she knew I was in love with Max and that she would never have forced me to marry someone I didn’t love.”