The angel morphed into devil. Lust and rage and something completely untamable gleamed in the depths of his eyes.

“Not me. I’ll rip down your door when I’ve had enough and take both of us to hell. And I won’t have a shred of regret.”

She parted her lips, entranced by the powerful aura beating from him in waves. His body heat battled the wind and made her burn to let him take her as many times and in as many ways as he fantasized.

His gaze focused on her mouth. Her heart thundered.

She waited for him to lower his head and claim what was already his. Instead, Sawyer eased his grip and pulled back.

A bleak desolation carved the lines of his face. “But I don’t want to hurt you. So I’ll allow you your barriers and your own bedroom and anything else you need from me. I have only one rule. you will never talk about yourself as a charity case or someone unworthy. Not in my presence.”

A stray lock of hair broke loose and lay against his forehead. Without hesitation, she reached out and tucked it behind his ear. Then ran her hand down his cheek. The rasp of his beard tickled her fingers. She caught his scent of musk and spice and lemon on the wind. “okay,” she whispered.

Like a sinner seeking penance, Sawyer bent his head and pressed a kiss to her open palm. Julietta sensed something deeper in his actions and craved to follow the path leading to a thicket of thorns, poison ivy, and endless predators poised to tear flesh. When his gaze finally pierced hers, Julietta knew this man would be the one to either complete her or destroy her.

She trembled in pure terror. He traced the sensitive line of her jaw, her chin, and slowly down her neck. His light touch caused shivers of sensation to prick her skin and tighten her ni**les. Julietta ached to take the leap and damn the consequences.

He took the choice away from her and stood up. “I’ll begin immediately on the paperwork. Let me know when the realtor comes up with something appropriate. Wolfe will be over this afternoon. Call if you need anything.”

He left.

She watched him walk across the square and disappear behind the building. Then she sat on the bench for a long time, in the cold, and wondered what she was going to do.

Chapter Twelve

Julietta walked into the foyer. The vaulted ceilings held a graceful elegance that pulsed through every brick in their new home. Situated in Via della Spiga, her realtor discovered the hidden treasure of the luxurious traditional mansion. From the outside, an onlooker imagined nice apartments hiding behind the somewhat crumbling facade.

Inside, a feast for the senses awaited. Boasting three stories, the parquet floor gleamed as Julietta walked over to the circular staircase and did a quick survey. The open concept living room and kitchen gave the impression of massive space, and the rustic beauty of old wood, thick walls, and lush foliage wrapped the home in elegance.

The moment she stepped foot in the house she instinc-tually knew she was home. Funny, letting go of her apartment she loved for so long didn’t cause a pang. After boxing up all her belongings, the pathetic truth slammed into her brain. She had few personal items she loved or needed to bring. The apartment only held stray trinkets but most were work things or fancy gadgets. This house was different. It screamed of character and history. Julietta imagined stamping her own story here and finally making a permanent mark. For the first time in her life, she understood the unique characteristics of a place to live and a place to thrive.

With Sawyer.

The wedding was set. The home was bought. Various in-formation outlets regarding their romance and decision to quickly marry were outsourced and already losing gossip po-tency. The past three weeks blurred in an endless stream of tasks, work, and shoring up her defenses. each time she spoke with Sawyer, he was polite, helpful, and distant. It was almost as if she planned someone else’s future and wedding, for each conversation was exactly what she wanted. Business. No mess of emotional upheaval, but a calm, focused plan of attack.

She hated it.

Footsteps echoed behind her and she pushed the thought aside. Julietta turned and caught his profile. The sunlight poured over him, accenting the clean slash of his scar and bathing his features in golden warmth. With the graceful precision that was part of his core, Sawyer walked through each room and studied the final layout.

She bit her lip. “What do you think? Anything can be changed. We’ll have to commute a bit to work, but this area completely charmed me.”

He stopped in front of the glass doors leading to the terrace. Stone floors led to an extensive garden with a small lagoon pool. Julietta imagined working on her laptop and sipping espresso in the quiet space as the sound of gurgling water soothed her.

“It’s beautiful.”

His husky voice rippled across her ears in a caress.

relief poured through her, and a smile curved her lips. “I’m glad you like it. There’s a whole extra wing I thought Wolfe could make good use of. It’s like his own apartment, but not so separate he can disappear for days without us noticing.”

He flinched as if in pain. “What’s wrong?”

“I didn’t specifically talk about living arrangements with Wolfe.”

She frowned. “He knows we’re getting married. Where else would he go?”

Sawyer shifted his feet. “My old place. I don’t think he wants to live with us. even though he has no idea about our situation, he assumes we’re honeymooners. It will make him uncomfortable.”

“What type of conversation did you have with him?”

“General stuff. That we decided to get married because we’re a good fit. Told him his position in the company was unchanged and we’d continue like we have been. He never asked about where we’d live, so I didn’t bring it up.”

Julietta watched his sudden discomfort and shifted through the possibilities. “you’re afraid to talk with him, aren’t you?”

“What do you mean? We’ve shared space for a while now. We talk every day.”

She shook her head. “No, not really. you talk about work. That’s it. Listen to your own words—you share space.

I think you’re afraid to delve any deeper in case you upset him. As long as you keep it light and uncomplicated, he’ll stay.” Her gut lurched with pain for him and the boy he’d taken under his care. Her voice softened. “Sawyer, he needs to know you want him. I see the way he looks at you. Wolfe would never ask, but he’s looking for your approval. If he thinks he’s in the way, he’ll chew off his own hand to get away. He’ll refuse to be a burden on anyone.”