Getting addicted to him would be disastrous. And she was positive she’d last years on just those orgasms alone.

Julietta poured the espresso and set the cups on the table, then nibbled on a plump fig. “We should get going soon, Mama. We have a long week ahead.”

“of course. May I speak with you for a moment, Wolfe?”

The boy looked surprised. “yes, of course.”

“Alone, please. Would you mind waiting in the living room, Julietta? Sawyer?”

Julietta paused. But she trusted her mother, and if she had something to say to Wolfe, it was important. She nodded. “of course.”


She led Sawyer into the living room. The hand-braided colorful rug covered pine floors and mixed well with the comfortable earth-colored tones of the sofa, love seat, and ottoman. Delicate lace curtains covered the windows, and bunches of yarn littered the coffee table, a project in the making from her mother’s love of knitting. A fire crackled and warmed the room. She wrapped her arms around herself and paced, too unsettled to sit. “Don’t worry. Mama would never make him uncomfortable, I promise.”

“I’m not worried about Wolfe.” His body heat lashed from behind and pulled her in. The delicious scent of musk and spice surrounded her. Julietta walked faster to gain more space. “I’m more worried about what’s going through that mind of yours.”

She focused on straightening various knickknacks and photos on the antique chest until they were in a perfect line.

“Nothing we should discuss at the moment.”

“I disagree. Considering my dick was deep inside of you less than twelve hours ago, I think I deserve to know your thoughts.”

She stopped and whirled around. He’d moved in like a silent predator, and her body softened into a pool of goo.

She would’ve given money to be able to claim frigidity now.

Her ice queen status was officially trumped by a constant stream of horniness that annoyed the hell out of her. She clung to the annoyance and tried to ignore the hormones.

“Don’t say things like that,” Julietta hissed. “We’re in my mother’s house.”

“Who’s not about to overhear us at the moment. you’re trying to rationalize this thing between us, aren’t you?”

She hated his astuteness. Why did he have to look so hot all the time? Narrowly cut black pants showed off all his assets, and his taupe shirt accented the gold gleam in his eyes. His hair was perfectly tousled for that right-out-of-bed look and smelled freshly washed. Her fingers curled in rebellion. She ached to drag him close and feel that delicious mouth move over hers. Taste his scent that got her drunk. Instead, she needed to have a logical conversation about not sleeping with him again. “I don’t think we should continue seeing each other.”

“I disagree.”

Her mouth hung open. “I just told you this—this thing between us needs to end.”

His lips tightened. “And I said no.”

Frustration snapped her nerves. Why couldn’t he just go away like most men who got rejected? “Well, too bad. our verbal contract is over. you won. We need to concentrate on Purity and getting ready. Let’s agree it’s been a lovely experience, shake hands, and move on.”

He tipped his head back and laughed. Julietta glowered.

“oh, you’re good. Lovely experience, huh? Shake hands?”

He moved so fast she had no time to fight. He yanked her hard against him and devoured her mouth in a kiss so car-nal, so outrageous, her toes curled in her boots and her ni**les stabbed into hard points and she moaned helplessly beneath the deep strokes of his tongue. Sawyer ripped his mouth away and breathed hard. “Who do you think I am— one of your lackeys? Do you really believe you can control this thing between us by declaring it over?” Lust and greed and want carved out the features of his face. Julietta stared back at him, fascinated by the raw emotions. “I say no. I’m not going to pretend to shake your hand when I’d rather push my fingers between your legs and make you come. I’m not smiling politely when I’d rather kiss you senseless and force you to confront the woman you are.”

She pushed at his chest, but he didn’t budge. “I know exactly who I am,” she whispered furiously. “A grown woman who makes her own decisions based on logic. A few orgasms between us isn’t enough to risk this deal or my sanity.”

“Tough shit,” he sneered. “I’m not going anywhere, and I don’t play by the rules. you want to sleep chaste and alone in your own bed, fine. But I’ll be flanking your side every day, reminding you of what I can give. I don’t walk away from something because it’s messy and real, baby.”

“oh, yeah? Then what else are you willing to give, Sawyer?” She raised herself on tiptoes and got in his face.

“When the vibrators and the handcuffs and the blindfolds are done, what do you have left to give me? you already said there’s no long-term relationship possible. So don’t give me this crap about you getting messy and real. Baby.”

He released her and staggered back a step in shock.

Julietta pressed her knuckles to her mouth. Had she challenged him to make this a real relationship? Was that what she really wanted?

She had no time to analyze. A noise interrupted the shattering silence.

Mama Conte stood in the doorway with Wolfe. “We are all set now.”

Julietta pulled herself together and pasted on a bright smile. “Great. Let me grab the coats and my purse and we’ll head out.” Sawyer didn’t speak, but followed her lead as they got their belongings and said good-bye. She hugged her mother tight, taking strength from the firm arms around her, and breathed in the comforting scent of home.

“Take care, sweet girl.” Mama Conte stroked her cheek, her gaze sweeping over her face as if trying to find out what troubled her.

“Love you, Mama.”

Wolfe stopped in front of her mother with a strange look on his face. With slow, hesitant motions, he reached out and gave her a half hug, before jerking back with an awkward motion. With a dignity way past his years, he spoke. “Thank you for inviting me into your home, Mama Conte. Thank you—for everything.”

Julietta bit her lip as a tide of emotion overtook her.

Her mother smiled and stroked the boy’s cheek. “you are welcome. you come every Sunday now with Sawyer.”