“Hey, boss!”

His fingers paused an inch from her dripping channel.

He tore his mouth from hers and fought for sanity. Julietta stiffened, her eyes wide with worry, her wet lips slightly bruised from the kiss.


“We’re gonna wrap up here for the day. you need anything else?”

He prayed his voice was steady. “Nope, I’m all set. See you tomorrow.”

The sound of equipment being dragged and mutters from the men drifted into the room. Slowly, he removed his hand from under her skirt and gently tugged it down. He smoothed the stray tendrils of hair back from her cheeks and placed a gentle kiss on her pale pink lips.

“Will you meet me at the hotel again?”


relief cut through him. He didn’t want to remind her she owed him another night. The admission of her own desire to be with him was a sweet gift. Sawyer helped her off the table, took her hand, and led her out. Before he let her go, he bent his head and whispered in her ear.

“you may not be helpless or clingy, but you will beg. I promise.”

He nipped her lobe, grinned, and took off. The curse word that drifted in the evening air was blistering, but well worth it.

“Julietta, are you feeling well?”

She paused chopping tomatoes and looked at her mother. A suspicious frown marred her brow, and her stare probed past the surface. Mio Dio, was it possible Mama knew she was having sex? Julietta dropped the knife and adjusted her sweater, hoping there weren’t any telltale bruises or bites evident. Her second encounter with Sawyer the other night had continued to blow away all images of normalcy. He pushed every boundary she erected and took pleasure in proving her wrong about who she imagined she was. Handcuffs. Shower sex. And now toys. She fought a shudder when she thought of all the delicious ways a vibrator could be used. Soon, she’d be into orgasms into the double digits. Who would’ve thought?

She swallowed and refocused on chopping. “Sure. Why do you ask?”

“your skin looks different. And you were humming.”

Horror flooded through her. She did not sing or hum.

This was getting bad. “Umm, no, I went to the spa the other day. Got a facial and massage. I feel better.”


The tomato rolled across the chopping board and she grabbed for it. Did sex actually make a woman glow? of course, she’d been majorly backed up for years, so maybe her body needed to catch up a bit before settling down again. Made sense. Time for a subject change. “Have you spoken to Michael or Carina lately?”

Her mom turned back to the stove. The scent of garlic, onion, and escarole filled the air. “yes, they want to come out for a visit.”

“All of them?”

“Si. They will bring all the bambinos. Alexa and Nick may also join them.”

Julietta smiled with pure joy. Her mother looked so happy and excited, she hoped it would happen. Imagine all of them together, with her nephews and siblings by her side.

Like the old times, but even better. “oh, Mama, that would be wonderful.”

A knock sounded on the door. Her mother wiped her hands on her apron and shooed her away. “Do not keep them waiting, Julietta. Answer the door.”

The two men stood side by side behind a cheerful bou-quet of blooms. Sawyer’s eyes darkened with erotic memories, and it took all of her control not to blush. Wolfe looked nervous, a thin figure beneath his bright blue button-down shirt and leather jacket. He shifted in his stiff, heeled shoes, and her heart broke when she realized he had actually dressed a bit conservatively for the occasion. She ushered them inside and toward the warm kitchen.

“Mama, this is Wolfe, Sawyer’s assistant. He’s been an amazing help in putting this deal together.”

Mama Conte gave Sawyer a noisy kiss, cooed over the flowers, and approached Wolfe. He looked terrified as he stood before her, just waiting for her comment. His earring winked, and his tattoo crept past the conservative collar of his shirt and spilled black ink onto his neck. Her mom took it all in, her sharp gaze assessing, and a welcoming smile curved her lips. “Welcome to my home, Wolfe. It is an honor you took the time from your busy schedule to keep an old woman company.”

She ignored his don’t-touch aura, reached out, and placed a kiss on his cheek. Then turned and walked back to her station. “I hope you both brought your appetite.”

Wolfe blinked and glanced at Julietta. After a moment, his aura lightened and a smile curved his lips. His snarkiness was just a shell to hide a softer center he was probably scared to deal with. He only needed someone to push him a bit to get there. She grinned back and led him into the cozy kitchen.

Big wooden bowls of freshly made ravioli with sauce came out, along with crusty bread and bottles of red and white wine. Julietta urged them to take seats at the heavily carved pine table, and they fell into a comfortable rhythm of eating and small talk.

“Tell me more of this deal.” Mama Conte settled back and lingered with her usual precision and enjoyment over her plate. “I understand La Dolce Famiglia will be exclusive to Purity hotels. When is the opening?”

Julietta spoke up. “Sex months.”

Silence dropped. The three of them stared at her as if she’d sprouted horns, and suddenly, she realized what she said. Holy crap. Talk about a Freudian slip of epic propor-tions.

“Scusi?” Mama Conte squinted as if her eyes were failing instead of her ears.

Sawyer tightened his lips, but those amber eyes danced with delight.

She leaned over and raised her voice. “I said six months, Mama.”

“oh. Very ambitious.”

“yes, it was an ambitious undertaking.” Sawyer sipped his wine and dragged his thumb around the rim of the glass.

“But quite worth the effort.”

Her belly dropped. He got that same look on his face whenever he was intent on teasing her to orgasm. That talented thumb had done wicked things to her clit, her ni**les, and her mouth that should have been illegal. Thank God it wasn’t. Heat crept under her skin and made her itch. She crossed her legs to try and relieve the ache. “Sawyer has a way of getting what he wants,” she offered. “He doesn’t take no for an answer when he has a certain vision in mind.”

“your papa was like that.” A soft smile ghosted Mama Conte’s lips. “He believed we would make a success of the bakery, even though we started so small. When he focused on a goal, he took down any obstacle in front of him.”