A whole week had already passed, and he’d been swamped every evening with work. When he finally dropped into bed, slumber eluded him. only the image of her naked body and wet heat rose to his closed lids until sleep was impossible. He ached for another evening, but had decided earlier on to wait. Another night spent in her company might throw him off his game—and he needed to be in control in order to keep giving her the pleasure she deserved.

It was also good for his suddenly slipping emotions. When was the last time he’d actually gotten mushy over a woman?

Wondered how her day was going, or what she was eating for lunch, or what television show she watched before bed?


The answer was simple. Pull back for a bit, and then go in for another night once he was solid. And to think he’d been worried about her getting attached.

Sawyer cleared his throat. “Julietta, as we discussed, we’re preparing La Dolce Famiglia to take up this main space for foot traffic. you’ll need to pick your team carefully for this one since we won’t have the main equipment on the floor.”

She nodded and examined the empty store. Her severe black suit was his personal favorite. It was the most conservative, with a pencil-slim skirt and a double-breasted jacket that covered most of her delicious assets. With her hair twisted up tight and her proper white blouse, the urge to rip away her prim demeanor engulfed him. He always loved the naughty librarian fantasy. Maybe he’d make her keep the suit on. Hike the hem up her thighs, lay her back on the desk, and rip off her panties. He’d test her control by commanding her not to make a sound, then do everything with his tongue and teeth to make her scream.

His c**k rose and he quickly switched his thoughts. All he needed was Tanya to think she turned him on and he bet he’d get a late night visit. Her designer skills were flawless, but she reminded him of a female predator. Sawyer shuddered at the thought.

Julietta spun on her heel. “I can make this work. Though I’d rather have the other space we discussed.”

His lip twitched. Damn, she had spunk. He’d assumed she’d pretend the erotic evening had never happened.

Instead, she’d switched into full business mode without a hitch. No heated glances across the conference table or blushes when their gazes met. She treated him with the detachment of a business partner, which drove him even crazier.

“Actually, I do remember the discussion. Since I was able to clearly demonstrate why that wasn’t a possibility, I’m surprised you brought it up.”

“Hmm, I guess I forgot.” She kept her voice bland.

“Perhaps the conversation should have been more memo-rable.”

He almost choked at her impertinence. Wolfe shot him a strange look, then went back to his notes. She also owned a wicked sense of humor. oh, she was going to pay for that remark. only his endless practice of hiding his emotions allowed him to press down his growing arousal. “Perhaps you’re right.” He pinned her with his gaze. “I’ll be sure to make myself clearer in the future.”

Her delighted smile ruffled his nerve endings. “Good.

Practice makes perfect,” she chirped. “Now, let’s check out the kitchen. I want to be sure the setup is what we agreed upon.”

Her heels clicked in front of him in a siren’s song. Her gracefully swaying ass lured him to follow, and Sawyer realized Julietta Conte had blossomed to her full power.

God help him.

They toured the site, tweaked plans, and finally finished in the late afternoon. He made sure he escorted the other members of the team out first. Would she follow his lead and allow him some alone time? Sure enough, Sawyer spotted her lingering with Wolfe. Was she just as desperate to touch him? Like a horny teen, he wanted his hands all over her, his full week of celibacy at the limit. He did a quick sweep of the room and tried to catalogue a safe place he could get her naked without giving the construction crew a thrill.

He came up behind them and caught a slight smile on Wolfe’s lips. Funny, he’d watched Wolfe interact with females and rarely saw him spare any interest. Something about Julietta allowed the boy to relax, and that was a miracle. “Thanks for your input today,” she said in her usual crisp tones. “I hope you’ll be able to take some downtime for yourself.”

Wolfe shrugged. “Don’t need much. I like the work.”

“I know the feeling.” She hesitated, and shifted her feet. “I want you to come to dinner Sunday. At my mother’s house.”

Sawyer drew back in surprise. Wolfe had the same reaction and seemed to stumble on his words. “Umm, thanks, but I’m busy.”

“What are you doing?”

He paused and ducked his head. “Working.”

Those cocoa brown eyes sharpened and focused on Sawyer. “I’m sure your boss will give you a Sunday afternoon off.”

“Not unless I’m invited, too.”

She pursed her lips in annoyance. “I invited Wolfe only.”

Sawyer shrugged. “We’re a package deal. I’m not miss-ing out on homemade pasta while he chows down.” He jerked his thumb. “Besides, he won’t even appreciate a good cooked meal. He eats crap.”

Wolfe glowered. “No, I don’t. If you’d actually shop for food instead of eating at your desk every night, maybe I’d cook.”

“yeah, like you clean, right?”

“And you’re from the Merry Maids service, huh? Next time work on your dunk shot. I saw the Big Mac wrappers on the floor.”

Julietta gasped. Sawyer glared and tried to change the subject. “Forget it, let’s just move on.”

“you went to McDonald’s?” Julietta whispered. “That’s disgusting.”

Ah, crap. He was going to kill Wolfe. “okay. I wanted a hamburger. A reminder of home.”

He struggled not to laugh at her obvious horror. “you could have eaten a real hamburger at roberto’s. He would have been happy to make one for you.”

How the hell could he describe the need for that awful sauce and endless salt he occasionally craved? Sawyer remembered the first time he’d tasted it—half of it in the wrapper on top of the garbage can. He’d never tasted anything so good in his life, and each time he ate one he was reminded of how far he’d come. of course, he’d never share such a story. And why was he suddenly cowering? He pulled himself to full height. “It’s not the same. Am I invited to Mama Conte’s, too?”