She finally knew what she’d been missing. How could she have imagined this type of sex was even possible? Such mind-numbing, full-body pleasure that stole her sanity and made her soul soar higher than she’d ever known?

Her brain blessedly blank, Julietta struggled to open her lids.

Sawyer stared down at her.

The angry scar on his face only emphasized the clas-sic grace of his features. The high brow and defined cheek-bones. The lush curve of lip and strong jaw. The amber heat of his eyes. He loomed over her, poised at her threshold, her legs held high in the air and close to his shoulders. Suddenly, her vulnerable position and what they were about to do snapped her back to reality.

His massive erection pulsed and threatened an invasion she couldn’t handle. Mio Dio, she was still bound. Helpless.

Julietta tugged at her cuffs and fought for breath. Panic hit.

“easy, baby.” He kissed her, long and sweet. “you are magnificent. I have never seen anyone as beautiful as you during an orgasm.” His face lit with an inner light that fascinated her. “you give everything without a thought to hold-ing back. Such a rare gift. And I will cherish it for my whole life.”

His words soothed the holes in her soul and healed something she never realized was broken. Her body softened and she stopped fighting. He wouldn’t hurt her. The knowledge pulsed in her gut and echoed in his face, now slightly strained as he kept his position without moving. She swallowed.

“you haven’t won yet.”

A delighted laugh broke from his lips. He kissed her deeper, swirling his tongue around hers and playing a game of thrust and parry. His penis pressed an inch farther.

Wetness trickled down her thighs and an urgent pulsing in her core told her she was ready for another round. Was it possible? Again?

“I will.” His voice changed to an arrogant demand that made her belly plummet. “Let’s up the game, shall we?”

He rocked his hips back and forth as if he had all the time in the world. His features were strained, but he was solidly in control. The sheer command he had over his body and the helplessness of her own position shot fire to her pu**y. The sweet ache coiled tighter with the image of that full, thick length buried deep inside of her. How long had it been? Months? More like years. But what if she couldn’t climax again? What if she froze up like she normally did and disappointed both of them? The image hit her full force.

“Boring you again, am I?” Her attention snapped back.

Before she could gather her thoughts, he bent his head and took her nipple into his mouth. Sucking hard on the aching nub, Julietta moaned at the delicious sensations. His c**k at her entrance, his heated body pressed to hers, his tongue sliding over her nipple. The sharp scrape of teeth wrung a cry from her lips, then unbelievably, she grew wetter. “Before you drift on me again, let me set the new terms.

I’ll give you two more orgasms because I’m in a generous mood.”

She managed a snort even though she ached for more of his delicious torture. His hand plumped her other breast, readying her. “Impossible. you got lucky with the first.”

“Two more. And you will apologize for all the rotten things you said about me tonight.”


“you will. And I get a marker.”

She fought for breath as he pushed in another aching inch. Her thighs clenched. “you want a marker to write with?”

“No. A marker to be used for later. When I can punish you properly for your impertinence.”

The sexual buzz melted her brain cells. “Punish? you want another night?”

His teeth closed around one tight peak and tugged. She gasped. “yes. I want you another night.” He edged farther into her channel. one more strong push and he’d fill her.

Suddenly, she wanted that feeling of belonging to a man, of invasion and possession, more than her next breath. More than losing. “Now say yes.”

His eyes and voice demanded and refused to accept anything less than all of her.

She grit her teeth. “yes.”

Sawyer slid home.

As he buried his throbbing length between her legs, her body welcomed him like he belonged. Slick with juices, her tightness barely caused a hesitation and the fact of her complete helplessness struck again in full, crystal clear clarity.

He filled every spare inch of her, fighting for space and not allowing her any room to hide. Hands bound over her head, legs open to him, his mouth at her breast, Julietta shook with too many emotions and sensations to process, causing her a temporary sensory overload in vivid neon.

“No, no, no,” she chanted, shaking her head back and forth. She fought to keep him from taking it all, but it was too late. Tears pricked her eyes.

“Julietta, look at me.”

“Please, no, I can’t.”

“you can. Breathe, baby. yes, like that. Another one.

you can take all of me, just let yourself feel. one more slow breath. Trust me.” She clung to his words—calm and strong and sure. The breath entered her lungs and the fear slowly drained away.

Suddenly, as when a movie turns from black-and-white into startling Technicolor, her body sprang to life. The re-striction eased and turned to a delicious friction. He moved in tiny increments, back and forth, eliciting a rush of wetness and gripping arousal. “That’s it, relax and let me take you where we both want to go.” The reminder that her hands were tied and she couldn’t control the pace or angle added to the ratcheting sizzle and burn of anticipation. Her muscles released and he slid even deeper.

Sawyer groaned. “Jesus, you’re tight. So f**king good.”

He grabbed her ankles and lifted them on top of his shoulders. Her spiked heels dug into his hard muscles and a thrill shot through her.

He moved. All the way out in one slick slide. Paused.

Then a slow, delicious glide back, over and over, on his own time and in his own way. Julietta had prepared for the familiar rush to the finish line. Her experiences before this had contained her lover pumping furiously while she tried to force herself to catch up and not disappoint. orgasms were a stress she’d decided to leave behind. But not anymore.

Sawyer didn’t give a crap about time. He played with her br**sts with every rotation of his hips, sometimes gentle, sometimes deep and hungry. The erratic rhythms didn’t allow her to anticipate or calculate a response. Suddenly, she craved more—much more. Her clit pounded in demand from the teasing scrape of his cock, and she ground her stilettos into his shoulders while she reached for more. The punishing bite of his teeth and his dirty laugh told her he knew exactly what she wanted and refused to give it to her.