She dived into a change of subject. “I don’t know if I feel comfortable at this hotel.”


She nibbled at her lower lip. “The rooms are close.

People may hear us.”

He handed her the delicate flute. God, she was ador-able. one moment a lioness, the next a shy virgin. “I’m glad you’re thinking you’ll enjoy yourself enough to scream, but I’ve taken care of the problem.”


He smiled. “I bought all the rooms on this floor. We are completely alone.”

She blinked. “oh. Good thinking.”

“Thank you.” He dropped his voice. “And necessary.

Because you will be screaming, Julietta. A lot.”

Her fingers tightened on the stem of the glass, but she refused to cower. She tipped the glass up and took a long sip. Then met his gaze. “If you’re lucky.”

“Why don’t you take off your coat?”

“Not yet. So, tell me, Sawyer. Is this what men fantasize about women wearing? Because I’m here to tell you it’s uncomfortable as hell and not much fun. This thong is rid-ing up my rear in a permanent wedgie. And my br**sts are held so tight together it’s hard to breathe. Not the best way to get me in the mood.”

He reached out and touched a glossy wave. The heat from her body burned and pulled him in, making a mockery of her calm demeanor. oh, yeah, she was definitely aroused.

She just didn’t know what to do with it and hoped to lock it up in a neat little closet. He looked forward to causing her much discomfort in the next few hours. His c**k twitched in his pants.

“you’re not pushing past the surface,” he murmured.

“Behind the vague discomfort is the opportunity to let your body take over. The corset I picked out for you pushes your br**sts out and makes your ni**les more sensitive. every breath you take is controlled and earned, so you’re aware of the rush of air in your lungs.” He kept up the slide of his fingers over her hair, tugging gently to wake up her scalp.

“When you’re aroused, your ni**les will harden and poke against the lace. The scratch will be a reminder of what my stubble may feel like against your br**sts. The edge of your panties separate the globes of your bu**ocks and barely skim your mound. As you get wet, you’ll be aware of each sensation. Discomfort brings awareness, Julietta. It’s all part of eroticism.”

Her pupils dilated. yes. He knew she dampened at the stroke of his voice, her body finally letting go enough to make the connection with her brain. He imagined the tightness of her nipple under his tongue and the sweet arch of her hips as she opened for him. But first, he needed to strip all of her mental defenses.

He released her hair and took a deliberate step back.

“Now, back to my original request. Take your coat off.”

Surprise flickered across her face. “I’m cold.”

His lips twitched. “I’ll warm you up soon. For now, let this be a gentle reminder to the terms of our agreement.

Full command. Full surrender.”

His queen rallied. Crap, she was magnificent. Her eyes snapped cocoa brown heat and her fingers tugged open the buttons. “This is ridiculous.” one. Two. “I can’t believe I agreed to this sex scene. Just so you know, this is not turning me on, so I hope at least you get a thrill from this episode.”

Three. Four. She shrugged off the barrier and threw it on the velvet chair to cover her purse. “Satisfied?”

Oh, yeah.

He took in the fine black lace of her corset, which nipped in at the waist, squeezed her br**sts, and lifted them up like a gift to the gods. The minuscule black skirt barely covered her ass. Her skin was flawless and a golden brown that begged for a man’s touch. endless legs clad in sheer black hose ended in a pair of four-inch f**k-me heels where her fire-engine-red toenails peeked out in rebellion.

Time to reel in his stubborn lover-to-be. He switched to his dom voice, which vibrated with a confident power, and whipped through the room like a lash. “Turn around.”

She jerked. Blinked. But obeyed immediately, turning in a full circle so he could feast on the full globes of her rear, where the wisp of fabric hugged her most intimate body parts. His fingers clenched to touch the lush flesh and warm it to a nice pale pink. Instead, he crossed his arms in front of his chest and studied every inch of her. A delicate flush bloomed in her cheeks. Good. She was aware of his full attention and was off balance. “Have you ever had a man look at you like this, Julietta?”

She shook her head.

“Answer me, please.”

Pure resentment and something deeper flickered. “No.”

“When I ask a question, I want a verbal answer.”


He kept the humor from his face and continued his ap-praisal. “A man is a visual creature. When a woman takes off her clothes, she’s stripping her barriers and giving a precious gift. Her vulnerability. Do you know how that makes me feel?”


“Honored. Aching. Like the anticipation of opening up a present, peeling off the paper and bow and uncovering a treasure. Let me tell you what I see when I look at you.”

His voice deepened and he let the yawning want for her show on his face. “I see br**sts that are already swelling and peaking, begging for my fingers and tongue. your belly is quivering ever so slightly. I’d run my tongue down your stomach and over that tiny piece of lace. Feel your heat and wetness and smell your arousal. your legs are long and graceful, and I can imagine them wrapped around my hips and squeezing tight as I thrust inside you.” Her chest lifted as she sucked in air. “I want to discover every hidden secret of your body and a thousand ways to make you scream my name.” His eyes glittered and he moved forward. “A reminder of the basic rules. Do everything I say. No talking unless I ask a question. And absolutely no thinking. I’ll do that for both of us tonight.” He paused so his words had a moment to sink in. “Let’s begin, shall we?”

Julietta burned. Her skin prickled as if she stood near to a raging fireplace while wafts of heat hit every exposed part of her body. She squirmed in discomfort and tried to lock onto the strange feeling that her body had separated from and left her mind behind. Her ni**les ached behind the constricting binds of the corset, and the thong between her legs emphasized an achy pulsing between her thighs. odd, she’d been aroused before. even believed she neared climax a few times. But never had she been so turned on by a man who hadn’t even touched her yet.