Sawyer pinned her with his hot gaze. “Stay, please. I need to discuss something with you.”

She opened her mouth to tell him no, but he’d already turned to finish his conversation with Tanya. Julietta was tempted to walk out, but she figured she’d let him win this round. He quickly dispersed the other conference members and Wolfe, shut the door, and pressed a button on his desk.

The door slid closed without a sound and locked them in.

oh, no. Not again.

Temper flowed hot and clean through her veins. How dare he do that intimidation thing with her? She wasn’t his lackey, and he had no right to order her around. She tilted her chin and marched toward him. “The magic lock thing is a nice touch, but it doesn’t work on me.” Who cares if she lied? “Next time ask me nicely to stay. I don’t take well to being bossed around.”

He smiled and shifted his hip so he was leaning against his desk. With a lazy, assessing air, he unbuttoned his suit jacket and shrugged out of it. The crisp white shirt pulled against his broad chest, and the red tie just made him look hotter. “Funny, I disagree. I think what you’ve been missing is a man who will tell you what to do. What he wants. And how he wants it.”

The air whooshed out of her lungs. The room tilted, then steadied as his meaning finally penetrated her ears.

Had he gone pazzo? “Have I just dropped into a badly directed  p**n  movie? Listen, I’m not one of these repressed feminists who needs the right man to unlock her hidden desires. Been there. Done that. Now, unlock the door or I’ll spring a lawsuit on you so fast your head will explode.”

He shook his head and grinned. “This is completely separate from work and you know it. I thought you were braver than that, Julietta. Don’t try to hide behind our contract.”

She sputtered with outrage. “you’re pinning this on me? oh, that’s priceless. Let me try to be crystal clear. you kissed me last night. I allowed it. Fireworks didn’t explode, the earth didn’t tilt on its axis, and now we’re moving on.

How about you tuck your ego back in your pants, and we put the episode behind us? Maybe you can target evelyn— she looks like she’s into that tantric thing, which might be a real hoot for you.”

A delighted laugh broke from his lips. The cool sophis-tication she prided herself on slipped under her scrambling fingertips and left her with a hot mix of emotions she didn’t know how to handle. “Damn, you’re perfect for me. okay, let’s get past the slow getting-to-know-you phase and get to the good stuff.” Suddenly, his relaxed demeanor changed.

As if a switch had been turned, he pushed away from the desk and focused his attention on her. His eyes gleamed with heat and a touch of menace.

She remembered watching a show on snow leopards.

The sleek grace of their bodies as they stalked their prey was a bit teasing at first, before they revved up the intensity to such a high level that the prey was unable to run and just stood there waiting to be eaten.

That’s how she felt. Julietta didn’t even realize she was retreating until her back slammed against the wall. The satisfied smirk on his lips told her he knew how he affected her, and he intended to do everything possible to prove his point. Slowly, he caged her in by pressing his palms flat against the wall beside her head. Her body lit up and begged to play. The lace of her bra scratched against her sensitive ni**les, and a drugging heat pulsed through her body.

Furious at her weakness, she rallied. “Move any closer and you’ll regret it.”

one golden brow arched. “Like this?” With one grace-ful motion, he eased her legs apart and pressed his hips to hers. His heavy erection stole her breath.

“you’re a bastard.” She craved to slide her fingers into those thick waves and surrender. The knowledge that her body would eventually freeze up and torture her made her blink back furious tears. “Why are you doing this? Do you have to conquer a woman’s ‘no’ to feel like a man? Fine, get it over with. Let’s have a repeat of last night so I can prove to you we don’t have the right chemistry.”

His eyes softened a bit, and he stroked her cheek with tender motions. “My sweet, we have the perfect chemistry.

I have never wanted a woman as badly as I want you. How long has it been since you responded to a man?”

She pushed against his chest but he didn’t budge. “Last week.”

“Tell me the truth.”

Humiliation flooded her in waves. Mio Dio, she couldn’t do this any longer. Knowing her honesty would finally make him leave, she spat the words in his face. “Never! I can’t respond to any man, and I never have. Are you satisfied now?

Will you leave me alone and stop playing these games?”

He pressed his forehead to hers in a soothing gesture.

“Thank you, Julietta,” he whispered against her lips. “Thank you for telling me the truth.”

She kept her body stiff and waited for him to finally pull away. When he began pressing tiny kisses to her brow and down her cheeks, she bit back a sob. “Please let me go.”

“No. Not yet.” He tortured her with slow caresses over her hips, sliding his hands under her jacket and stroking the thin silk of her blouse. His touch was heated and strong as he kneaded her muscles. His mouth drifted near her ear and played with her lobe, licking, biting gently, until a slow burn simmered under her skin. “you’ve been screwed, baby, and not in a good way. Assholes have made you feel there’s something wrong with you. Tied you up in so many knots that your body is stuck.”

She took a deep breath, quickly twisted and brought her knee up. Unfortunately, he anticipated the move and kept her tightly pinned. His rock-hard erection pressed against her core, and a low animal moan escaped her lips. Where had that come from? His soft laugh stirred the strands by her temple, and unbelievably, she grew wetter. “I could show you things you’ve been missing,” he taunted. His tongue licked the inner shell of her ear and a stream of hot breath caused goose bumps to pepper her flesh. His hands continued to massage her hips and slide behind to cup her bu**ocks, forcing her to arch on tiptoes. “Things that can free your delicious body and let you surrender to pleasure.”

She panted. “Like sexual discrimination and harass-ment? oh, goody.”

“Let’s put that mouth to better use, shall we?”

His lips traveled across her cheek and took her mouth.