Page 31 of Taken by the Rebel

If some of the men paid a decent amount, O’Neal made the women do what the men wanted. They got paid for it. Not the full amount as O’Neal always took a fee.

Blaze couldn’t believe that there was a time he thought his boss was being fair. He was never going to work for a piece of shit like this again.

“Let go of me,” Blair said.

“Do you really think your brother is going to come and get you?” O’Neal asked. “He knows what I have here. He knows that he’s going to be dead meat when he gets here. Do you think he’s going to save you?”

O’Neal didn’t know him.

Blair laughed. “Oh, my God, you talk the good fight, but you don’t have a fucking clue about who you’re dealing with. I should feel sorry for you, or at least light a candle.”

There was a slap, and Blair cried out.

Hands clenched into fists, Blaze had to wait for the perfect opportunity.

“You hit like a fucking girl!”

Another slap.

“Blaze is going to kick your sorry ass. My brother doesn’t take kindly to this.”

“Your brother is dead,” O’Neal said.

“Think again,” Blaze said, stepping into the bedroom.

Blair was tied up, and she was perched on the end of the bed. Blood leaked from her mouth, and he noted the bruised eye.

“Blaze,” she said.

“How’s the eye?”

“Oh, it’s painful.” She swallowed.

“How the fuck are you here?” O’Neal asked, grabbing Blair’s hair and lifting her off the bed.

This was why he’d never been afraid of O’Neal. The fucker was a coward and had no problem using defenseless women as shields.

“Do you think holding my sister is going to save you?” Blaze asked. “You kidnapped my sister. Sent your men to beat me up, to end me. You signed your own death certificate.”

“You can’t kill me.”

“No one is here to stop me.”

O’Neal looked toward the door.

Blaze saw he wanted to scream for the guards. This had been O’Neal’s plan. For Blaze to come and get Blair, only to be met by a couple of baseball bats. He’d planned to have him beaten to death.

“Kill him, Blaze,” Blair said.

“Shut your fucking mouth, you filthy slut.”

Blair glared at O’Neal, and Blaze knew that look. She slammed her head back, connecting with O’Neal’s nose, and then dropped to the floor.

Blaze didn’t hesitate. He closed the distance, grabbing O’Neal and slamming him against the wall. Drawing his head back, he continued to keep on smashing it until the wall was covered in blood.

He couldn’t leave him alive. Not with Fay and Blair.

“You should never have fucking messed with me.”

Blaze grabbed his head, drawing him to his knees, and then he snapped his neck. As Blaze stepped back, O’Neal slumped to the floor.

“Oh, thank God,” Blair said, rushing to him.

He held her close. “Go to this safe. It’s in his office. Get all of his money.”


“Fay is out there distracting the guards. I’ve got to go protect her. Also, he keeps a supply of gasoline. Grab the money and douse the place,” he said.

Blair nodded, and he finished untying the rope around her wrists. His sister had seen him like this before. Their parents hadn’t been the best role models in the early years and would often open up their home to anyone. Until Blaze had to deal with a guy who attempted to rape his sister.

That had been the first man he’d killed.

Their parents had … sobered up after that. They had changed their ways, but that was ultimately what killed them. After so long without, they’d been so driven by a fix that they’d been high when their car crashed.

Blaze had kept the truth from Blair, but he had a feeling his sister knew.

Leaving the bedroom, he took off, going toward the bar.

He glanced inside and saw all three men crowded around Fay.

His woman looked … scared.

Upon entering the bar, he slammed a table across the room, startling them all.

“Let’s finish this.”

They would see the blood on his face, and he didn’t give a shit.

As he drew his fist back, all three came toward him.

“Go to Blair,” he said.

There was a risk Fay was going to see the dead body, but he didn’t care. That would all have to be dealt with later.

With three men charging at him, he focused on hurting them.

He snapped one leg, hearing the crunch of bone seconds before the shattering squeal.

The two other men went down, but not before he was hit a few times. One of them had a knife, and they slashed it across his stomach, making him grunt.

In the end, they were the ones left unconscious, and he stumbled back to where Fay and Blair were dousing the place with gasoline.

“Get to the car,” he said.

O’Neal had drunkenly told him his plans if anything bad was to happen. The combination to the safe, as well as the supply of gasoline, and how he intended to send everything up in smoke.