The man behind Thomas puts his hands on him and pulls him into the room just as Grunt moves behind me. He’s tense, and I know he’s there to protect me. I also know it puts him in an awkward position since he’s married to one of the Savage crew’s daughters. I really like Jasmine, too. She’s been nice to me. I try to not let the fact she’s best friends with the woman who indirectly caused me the worst pain in my life affect our friendship—it’s not easy.

“You must be Lyla,” the man says, his voice gruff.

He’s wearing a Savage Brothers MC cut, and automatically my eyes go to the patches. President. Gee, looks like I just met Thomas’s dad.

This should be fun.

“That’s me,” I respond, sounding tougher than I feel.

“You want to come in?” he asks, and he actually sounds like he’s trying to be nice to me—which is weird. I just nailed his son pretty good—if the way he’s squeaking and rubbing his throat is any indication. You’d think he’d be pissed, but Thomas is a fuck-up. Maybe his dad is appreciative that someone delivered him a lesson and it wasn’t him for a change.

I shrug.

“I’m not sure that’d be wise,” I tell him honestly.

“Why’s that? You afraid we’ll hurt you?” he questions, tilting his head to study me.

“I can take care of myself,” I tell him, and not to sound like an idiot or anything, I feel like I can, so that didn’t enter my mind. Admittedly, my bravery probably has to do with the fact Grunt is at my back.

Thomas’s dad, whose patch tells me his name is Dragon, smiles with my answer. It’s not exactly the reaction I expected, but it’s better than him wanting to kill me, so I can deal.

“Then, why not come in?” he asks and for an older guy, he’s kind of sexy with a smile playing at his lips. Thomas favors him a little—although his features are softer. I frown at that thought.

There’s nothing sexy about Thomas. Not anymore. He’s slime—the end.

“Because, Dragon—can I call you Dragon?” I ask, not wanting to offend him.

“Yeah, Blondie, you can call me Dragon,” he says, and this time the smile is bigger and he’s almost laughing.

I clench my teeth as he gives me a stupid nickname. I don’t take him to task over it, however. There’s not much point. Right now, I think I need to pick my battles and that’s not one.

“Lyla is my name,” I point out—totally picking the wrong battle and before he can call me on it, I push forward. “Honestly, Dragon, if I’m forced to be in a small room with your son, I might kill him. I figure you would probably frown on that.”

“Probably,” he says, almost laughing.

“Since I’m here to stop a club war—not start one—I figured I might as well stay out here.”

I announce all of that without showing my nervousness and manage to do it without sounding winded. I’m kind of proud of myself.

Dragon does laugh then. Full out laugh.

“Lyla,” Thomas squeaks—and yeah, okay, it brings me pleasure. “Why are you here?”

“Trying to save your sorry ass—not that I want to. I don’t even think I’d be sad if my father gutted you and left you in his garden to scare off the crows, Thomas West,” I snap.

“Lyla,” Grunt says, and when I look over my shoulder at him, he’s hiding his mouth—which I can tell is a sign he’s trying not to laugh. I scowl at him—which makes it worse. He nudges his head in the direction of the door. I turn around to see Dragon—who doesn’t look angry—but I figure it’s not wise to talk about gutting his son. I take a deep breath.

“Sorry, Dragon, sir, but I’m kind of upset with your son,” I grumble.

“Just Dragon. I haven’t been sir my entire life and I’d just as well keep it that way,” he says.

“Dragon,” I agree with a nod of my head.

“I don’t need anyone to save me,” Thomas says stubbornly, and all I can do is roll my eyes. “I don’t!” he insists.

“Fine! Then, I’ll leave,” I bark, turning on my heel.

“Wait!” Thomas snaps, but I’m practically pushing Grunt out of the way.

“I came all this way to save your ass when I really didn’t want to! If it wasn’t for the fact my father will attack your dad’s club and probably get himself killed, I wouldn’t have even bothered!” I mutter, mostly to myself, but saying it loud enough for everyone to hear me.

“Sunflower, stop,” he says, and I really want to kill him.

“I told you not to call me that!” I yell, turning around way too quickly. The world goes sideways and my vision starts to blur.

“Lyla?” Thomas says, and I want to answer him, but this deep pain hits my stomach, and I can only grab it and cry out.