I lay in the dark, but I miss Thomas. His presence in the room brings a peace that relaxes me. I stand up and grab my robe and tiptoe into the nursery. What I see there takes my breath.

Thomas is standing by the crib, the moonlight highlighting his gorgeous body. He must have slipped on his boxers before coming in here because he has them on as he coos at our daughter. He began wearing those after we brought Tamsin home from the hospital. I definitely miss him going commando all the time, but Thomas is still damn sexy in boxers. Besides, he only wears them when he knows he’s on daddy duty. I still get commando Thomas, too. The thought makes me smile.

I watch as he puts Tamsin on the changing table and changes her diaper, my heart swelling inside my chest.

“There you g-go my baby,” he singsongs as he picks her back up. He settles in the glider and curls her into his chest. “You’re as beautiful as your momma. One day when you’re older, you’re g-g-going to give me hell trying to keep all the b-b-boys away from you. But I’ll do it. I want you to f-find someone who fills your world with light. J-just like your momma does for me.”

Tears sting my eyes as I sneak back into the bedroom. I lay back on our bed and hug Thomas’s pillow, thinking about all the changes in my life since meeting him.

My whole life, I went through it thinking I was second best for anyone and everyone—well, I didn’t even come in second when it came to my mother. None of it matters now, though. Thomas has given me everything I’d always dreamed of. He always makes sure I know I’m the only woman he wants. We’re a family, me, him and Tamsin, and the shadows of the past are gone.

For both of us.

The End