I actually think Thomas is my miracle. He’s brought love and joy into my life that takes my breath away and every day he never fails to show me that I matter. He never fails to show me I matter by doing little things for me that I know he thinks are nothing, but they are everything to me.

Thomas hands our daughter over to his mother. Nicole and Dragon cuddle with Tamsin on the couch while Thomas walks over to where I am. I yawn before I can catch myself.

“Tired, S-sunflower?”

“A little I guess. Have I mentioned how much I love you?”

“Every day,” he says. “Still, it is n-nice to hear.”

I laugh and playfully swat at him as he squats down beside me.

“Is this a private party or can anyone join in?” Dad asks from the front door. I look up and grin as he and King come inside.

“I think we can make room for two more,” I laugh.

Dad comes over and kisses the top of my head. “Have I mentioned how much I like you living within walking distance of my house, Butterfly?”

“I think I’ve heard that, Dad, but you can thank Thomas for that.”

“I would, but T hasn’t finished my bike yet. Can’t let it go to his ego.” Thomas rolls his eyes and Dad claps him on the shoulder. “Okay, I can admit it. You’re growing on me, T.”

Thomas lets out a rumble of breath and shakes his head. “Yeah, you’re growing on me, too.”

“That’s damn good to hear, boy—”

“Like a fungus,” Thomas adds. I’m not sure who laughs harder at Dad’s surprised face, Dragon, King, or me.

“Smart ass punk,” Dad mutters under his breath, making Thomas laugh harder. “Dragon, are you trying to hog my granddaughter?”

“Just giving her a break from having to look at your ugly mug,” Dragon grumbles, making me laugh.

“How you feeling, little momma?” King asks.

I smile up at him. “I’m good. Getting as spoiled as Tamsin,” I laugh.

“Do you want to hold her?” I ask, because King has started visiting a lot. He and Thomas get along great and I know Thomas trusts him. It makes me happy that Thomas is making connections and a life here.

He finally did ask King about what he said when he was shot. King told him he was loopy as hell and none of it happened. He made a joke about it. I’m not sure Thomas fully believes him, but for now, he’s decided to let it go. There’s not much more he can do. The truth is, regardless of what’s going on with King, he’s become our family too.

“Nah, I didn’t know you had company. I’ll come back later,” he says, barely looking in the direction of Tamsin, which is odd. He usually spoils my daughter. He’s always holding her and talking to her when he’s here. “You and me still riding tomorrow, T?”

“Yeah. Grunt and the new p-prospect are joining in,” Thomas answers.

“Kid’s got promise,” King says. “If Jonesy don’t ruin him.”

Thomas laughs. “For sure.”

“Talk to you later, T. Later, Lyla.”

“Later, King.”

And just like that, he leaves without a backward glance. I drop my gaze down to look at Thomas and he’s staring at the door where King left. I reach over and stroke the side of his face.

“You okay, sweetheart?”

He shrugs and shakes away his thoughts. “B-b-better than okay. I have everything a m-man could want. I love you, Lyla. You g-gave me a love I n-never knew possible and you…”

He stops talking and I kiss the side of his chin before looking up at him.


“You gave me a reason to not g-g-give up when that’s all I wanted to do. You gave me a home, S-s-sunflower.”

Tears sting my eyes and I stretch to hold onto him, hugging him tightly. I feel eyes on me and when I look up, Nicole is looking at me, her gaze filled with happiness. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out that it’s because she’s knows Thomas is happy.

The thing is, what she doesn’t know? Thomas has and continues to give me more, love me harder, and fill all the spaces inside of me than I could ever explain to anyone, because I never knew how empty I was before I met him. So, truly, I have no words—all I can do is smile back at her.

I pull back to look at my man. “You’re wrong, Thomas.”

“Babe—” I put my finger against his lips to stop anything he was going to say.

“We gave each other a home, sweetheart. We’re a team.”

His face goes soft and he picks me up in his arms. “What are you doing?” I gasp.

“T-taking my woman up for n-n-naked cuddling t-t-time while we have free b-babysitters,” he says with a wicked grin that has me mourning the fact I’m not cleared to have sex yet because I miss my man.