He has no idea what kind of man I am and if I felt like responding to him, I’d tell him that. I’d also warn him that he doesn’t want to know. I don’t do that. Instead, I just turn and walk away. I definitely need some air now. Maybe if I’m lucky, I’ll find that pretty little nurse that was in T’s room earlier.

Chapter 44


It hurts to move.

That’s all I can think. I feel like I’ve been submerged in a hundred pounds of concrete. There’s not a part of me that doesn’t hurt and that includes my head. I’ve had migraines before, but whatever is going on is a million times worse. One thing I do know, I feel Lyla’s head on my chest, her hand against my skin. She’s here.

Wherever here is…

I instinctively know I’m not home in bed with her. I wince as I try to open my eyes. Even that causes pain to shoot through me. It’s weak as fuck, but I let out a strangled gasp as pain shoots through me, stealing my breath.

“Thomas?” Lyla cries. Her body shifting away from me.

Why does she sound like she’s been crying?

“Thomas, wake up, baby. Come back to me,” she begs. I keep trying to talk. I think I open my mouth, but no sound really comes out.

Why is this so hard?

“Come back to me, please. God, Thomas. I need you.”

I don’t know what’s going on, or where I’ve been. Everything is kind of blank and it hurts too bad to think. All I know is that Lyla is scared, and I need to fix it. It takes more effort than I ever thought I had to open my eyes, but I manage it somehow.

The first thing I see is my woman, her eyes red and puffy and her face too pale to suit me.

I concentrate on moving my hand to touch her cheek, wiping away evidence of her tears.

“You been cryin’,” I manage to get out. Those three words were painful. My chest feels raw. My throat is worse. It feels swollen and dry, like I’ve been trying to gargle sand.

“Thomas!” She looks so happy that I decide it is worth the pain. “You’re with me.”

It’s three simple words, but she says them with so much feeling that they feel like a prayer. I see the wires and tubing on my arms and hands. I can feel the oxygen burning my nose. I can’t remember anything, but I know she’s been worried. “Always come back to you, Sunflower,” I manage to get out, although it’s painful as hell.

“I love you, Thomas West,” she says. I see the joy on her face. I feel a sense of pride because I gave her what she needed. I force myself to look around the room. Mom is on my other side. She’s definitely been crying but she’s smiling now. Dad’s crouched down behind her, his arm looped around her and he looks at me with eyes that look a little wet, too.

Fuck, did I almost die? How long have I been out?

I scan the other room briefly. Dom is standing there and I’m not sure I’ve ever seen my brother scared, but fear is what I see on his face. Thea is beside him and she smiles at me. Uncle Bull and Breaker are here along with Uncle Dancer. Grunt and Ford are beside Lyla.

I rub my dry lips together and look toward the door as the nurse comes in. King is at the back of the room, his intense stare trained right at me. A flash of memory comes to my mind. Him holding my hand and telling me not to die.

“T, damn it. I’ve waited half my life to meet you. Now that I’ve decided I like you, don’t you fucking die.”

What did that even mean? Did I imagine it? Shit, I don’t even know.

King nods to me and then turns to leave. The nurse calls for the doctor and they all begin to examine me and I put everything out of my mind, except that I’m alive and my woman is here with me.

That’s enough for now.

Chapter 45


Two Days Later

“Babe, you n-need to go home and rest.”

I look down at him and smile. “I can’t rest at the house without you. I’m better here. Besides, my dad and yours are always going at each other.”

“I can’t believe Dad is staying there.”

I laugh. “Me either, but I actually think they are getting along. Plus, he and your mom are staying in the guest suite that has the adjustable bed. Your father swears he’s not going back to Kentucky until one is installed in their house, because it’s helping your mom.”

“He told me that while they were here and you were g-g-getting dinner.”

“I wish you could have real food,” I mutter.