“You were going to kill me,” I point out.

“I can’t believe you shot me,” he whines.

“I’ll finish you off if you don’t tell me who is doing this shit to me.”

“Tweet can’t tell you much. He doesn’t know the answers like I do. Now drop the gun or I’ll shoot you in the back and laugh as you die.” My entire body stiffens when I hear Gina’s voice. I never did like that bitch. I start to move, but she stops me. “Sorry, Ford, I wouldn’t move unless you want to die and let your men think you were running away instead of being a man. Now, drop the gun.”

I don’t want to, but I do. I have another weapon hidden. If I can keep her distracted, I can end this without shedding more blood—namely mine. Gina’s and Tweet’s lives are already forfeit. When I find Sledge, I’m going to have fun making him suffer. Once the gun is on the floor, I turn slowly to look at Gina. She’s dressed in her normal black leather, her fake boobs about to fall out of her shirt, and her dry as shit, blonde from a bottle, hair is brushed straight. I have nothing against a woman being who they are. But she’s shit and it shines thru epically. I’ve always felt that way—even before she pulled a gun on me.

“Doing your old man’s dirty work now, Gina?”

“God, you should be glad you’re hot, Ford, because you are one stupid fuck,” she spews. “Sledge was too weak to be my old man. He wouldn’t even try to grow some balls.”

I’d like to argue with her, but a man with balls would have gotten rid of her ass long ago.

“Gina call 911. I think I’m dying,” Tweet moans, sounding weak. I hate to tell the poor son of a bitch, but he won’t last until an ambulance gets here and that’s if she called right now—something I know she’s not going to do.

“Shut up,” she growls. “You’ll be fine.” Gina has a cruel smile on her face and it’s clear she’s enjoying all of this. She also knows exactly what’s going to happen and she’s getting off on it.

“I don’t feel so good,” Tweet whines—the poor bastard. I could almost drum up sympathy for him, except for the small fact that it’s because of him I’ll be lucky to get out of this shit myself.

“Do you know Sledge was offered the chance to be president over the new chapter of BMRR? He would have had power and so much fucking money from the deal the they have going with the cartel…We would have been set for life. The sniveling bastard wouldn’t betray you, no matter how hard I pushed.”

“Where is Sledge now?”

“Please, Gina. Call an ambulance. I’m dying. You can’t let me die,” Tweet squeaks.

I’ll give the bastard this, he has a will to live because I have no idea how he is even holding on at this point.

Gina ignores him. Instead, she looks at me with a smile. I do my best to prepare, because I can tell from how she’s staring at me that whatever she’s going to say won’t be pretty.

“Sledge is with us,” she says.

She steps to the side and flips on the light switch. Until right now, there was just a small glow from the lamp on my desk filtrating into the room. Suddenly the room floods with light and there in the corner slumped in a chair is a very dead Sledge.

“Shit,” I hiss.

“Can you see it now, Ford? Sledge tried to ambush you. You shot him, but he managed to get you, too. It’s kind of tragic if you think about it.”

“Gina, help me,” Tweet says. His words are growing weaker. The poor bastard is fading.

“Christ, I can’t handle your bitching any longer.” She shoots Tweet twice without blinking. “There, that’s better. Now, where were we?”

“You were going to tell me how you became so unhinged that you would kill a man who gave you everything he had,” I growl. Sledge could be an asshole, but he didn’t deserve this. Fuck, I even had him pegged as a traitor, so I’m pissed at myself, too.

“He was weak as fuck. Hell, his dick didn’t even work half the time. He should have been the rightful VP of this shit-show and he couldn’t even manage that. I only got with him because one day I was going to be the old lady of the club. That asshole couldn’t even take up for me when Grunt’s bitch moved in and tried to take my place. That was the final straw. I couldn’t wait for him to see the light anymore. I had to take matters into my own hands.”

“You can’t expect to get away with this shit. You know those gunshots were heard. My men will be here any minute. Craven already went to get them.”