“Asshole you call each of us your best man if you want something,” King laughs.

“All b-b-but me.”

“That’s because you’re just the fucker who knocked up my little girl. Still, you are showing promise.”

I lift up my eyebrow in a mixture of surprise and disbelief, then flip him off, which makes him laugh.

“So, which one of us is your best man this time?” King asks.

“Grunt. He’ll watch the girls while you and Thomas help watch the suspects and cover my back.”

“The f-first sign of trouble, I want the girls l-locked down and s-s-safe.”

“Grunt and Lyla both know where my place is in the event of a lockdown. Lyla is the only person besides me who knows how to get inside. She’ll be safe. I had it fixed especially to protect her,” Ford says.

I take in that information and breathe a little easier. I need to point that out to Lyla sometime. Ford might be a bastard, but it’s clear he’s always kept Lyla in mind in everything he does. It’d be good for her to realize that she doesn’t always come in second in her dad’s eyes.

“I c-could be on the traitor’s list as the target. I sp-spent my time here sp-sp-spreading around the shit my f-f-father will do in this club once an alliance is formed,” I add.

Ford mutters under his breath and I’d be lying if I didn’t say I wasn’t enjoying making him mad. This was the part of the plan that Ford hated the most. Still, it was the best way to piss off Ford’s men and try to make myself a target. Plus, I knew it would play on emotion. The hope was it would piss off whoever shot up Ford’s house enough they would come after me. It was a calculated risk, but I need this bullshit done so I can concentrate on my family.

“Maybe, but I still feel like it’s directed at Ford. He has the power in the club that some idiot motherfuckers would want for themselves,” King explains. I can’t really fault that train of thought. “I just hope that the fact we delayed the party a week doesn’t raise alarm bells and they keep quiet a little longer. I want this shit done.”

“On that, I think we can all agree.”

“So, we all know what our roles are in this damn thing?” Ford asks.

“Yeah,” we all say in agreement.

“Then let’s get shit started. I want weapons hid in all the key rooms and I don’t want any motherfucker seeing the places we picked out. King, you take Thomas and make sure he knows each of the places, since the motherfucker was too busy saying his goodbye to his old club to be here for the duties in his new one.”

“His new one?” King asks, his eyes assessing me. I stare back at him and wait.

Bring it on, motherfucker. I can take whatever shit you want to dish up.

“Yeah, seems the DCs are getting a new member—pending club approval, that is.”

“Damn good to have you aboard, T,” Grunt responds, immediately giving his.

“Thanks, man.”

King just keeps staring at me. I could let it go, but I’ve spent a lifetime doing that and I’m not going to do it here. I’m done taking a back seat. “We g-g-got problems?” I ask King, my tone even. To be honest, I like the asshole. If he keeps his eyes and thoughts off my woman, I’m good. I’d even trust him to have my back, but if he is going to give me shit, I want to know up front.

King kind of cracks a smile. “Nah, kid. We good, you seem to be less of an asshole than your old man.”

“G-give me time,” I answer with a smirk and he surprises me by laughing.

That feeling of being home hits me harder and it feels damn good.

Chapter 39


If it’s possible to be so on edge your piss is frozen in your dick because you’re not going to make one move until something happens—I’m there. The party is half over and no one has made a damn move. I’m starting to think I let T and his fucking father get into my head. It’s entirely possible the shots were a rival club or just some young punks wanting to brag that they shot up the President of the DC’s house. I admit my security is top-notch, but if there’s one thing this life has taught me is that nothing is one hundred percent. Maybe it’s time I send some men out on the streets and see what the buzz is. We have a few prospects that would fit in with the local street scene. It’s worth a thought.

“Hey, Ford, did Sledge get a hold of you, man?”

I look over at Craven, immediately on alert.

“No, was he trying?” I ask, because I hadn’t seen the fucker all night. Since he was our biggest suspect that kind of pissed me off. It’s also part of what led me to believe I let T and Dragon get in my head. I steadfastly ignore the fact that I came to the decision it was someone in my club first.