“God, I’m s-s-sorry, S-sunflower.”

I hear Thomas behind me, but I ignore him. I wait for Nicole to give me what I need. She doesn’t make me wait. She reaches up and touches the side of my face. “You’re such a romantic,” she laughs.

“I’m rough around the edges,” I remind her.

“Got some miles,” she smiles. For a moment, we’re both transported back into the past. I can see it in her face.

“I love you, Mama.”

“Forever, Dragon.”

“Forever,” I agree and kiss her.

“Maybe we should give them some alone time,” Lyla whispers.

“Might as well g-get used to it n-n-now. They’re always l-l-like this.”

“You were very lucky growing up, Thomas.”

“N-n-never thought I was. You sh-sh-showed me I was wrong.”

“Love you,” she whispers quietly.

“Love you,” Thomas replies.

Nicole and I have stopped kissing. We’re staring at one another now, smiling. Our boy is good. We don’t need to worry about him anymore. Nicole’s eyes sparkle with unshed tears. I normally hate that, but these are happy tears and I’m more than okay with that.

“I hope you guys are hungry. I just need to finish the fried apples and breakfast will be ready,” Nicole says, drying her eyes with the back of her hand before I move so she can look at the kids.

“You don’t have to go to any trouble. We could get something on the road,” Lyla says.

“I was hoping you would get to stay for a few days,” Nicole says, obviously disappointed.

“N-not this trip, Mom. I’m s-s-sorry. There’s some stuff going d-d-down at the club and I n-n-need to be back for it.”

“No word on the shooting?” I ask.

“Got some ideas, but n-n-nothing yet,” Thomas says, not going into detail, but then he can’t. It’s not my club. I’m happy for him, but I can’t lie—it’s a little bittersweet.

“Why do I get the feeling I’m losing my boy to a rival club?” I ask. Thomas continues to look me in the eye. He doesn’t even blink.

He puts an arm around Lyla and squeezes her into him. “M-m-my home is there now, D-dad.”

I stare at him, feeling that burn again—a good one, but still painful. I walk around the bar to stand beside him.

I move my gaze to Lyla before I turn my attention back to Thomas. “All I’ve ever wanted in my life was for my kids to find the love like I found with your mom. I think you got that. I’m happy for you, T. Damn happy.”

“Thanks, Dad.”

We hug and I do my best to rein my emotion in. That’s for later and private. “You will always have a place here, no matter what, though, son. You never forget that.”

“I won’t,” he says.

“Well, damn it! When you look for a place together, you better get a place with a mother-in-law suite, because I’m going to be a part of Kane’s life.”

“The baby cannot be named Kane!” Thomas and I growl together.

“It’s a pretty name,” Nicole defends.

“Absolutely not. If Bull gets one more kid named after him, his damned head won’t fit through the doors at the club,” I grump.

“Well, what other names are you thinking?” Nicole asks.

“I don’t know, but it won’t be Kane,” Thomas answers.

“I have an idea,” Lyla says quietly and all eyes shift to her.

“You do?” Thomas asks.

“What about Tamsin Nicole?” she suggests.

“I think that’s p-p-perfect,” Thomas says. I look over at my woman, who is just standing there with tears rolling down her face and she doesn’t say anything. She just goes and hugs Lyla.

Fuck, yeah, even after all this time, life just keeps getting better.

Chapter 37


“Lyla okay?” Ford asks when I make it back into the living room.

We got home and she went straight to bed. The baby wears her out. We meant to leave Mom’s earlier, but after breakfast, most of the club came over to meet Lyla and before we knew it, there was an inopportune barbeque. All that meant was I got my woman home late. Still, it was a good trip and through it all, Lyla and I got even stronger. I don’t have any doubts. Moving to Virginia is what I’m supposed to do.

“She’s t-t-tired, but good,” I answer, sitting back down. “Anything happen while we w-w-were gone?”

“Not a sound. I’ve got Grunt keeping an eye on Sledge. I know the fucker doesn’t like me, but I just have trouble believing he’d try to hurt me or Lyla.”

“My m-m-money is still on your VP.”

“He wouldn’t do that,” Ford responds. “I’ve known him for a fuck of a long time.” I shrug, still not convinced. “We will have a meeting at the club tomorrow and make sure all the suspects are there. Maybe you and King will see something that I don’t. Will that work?”

“It will have to be later in the d-d-day,” I tell him, rubbing the side of my neck. I’m ready for this conversation to be done. I want to get in bed with my woman.