“I told you naming our son after this motherfucker would go to his head, Mama,” Dragon grumbles and Nicole just giggles.

“Who’s this pretty little thing you have with you, T?” the man asks, slapping him extra hard on the back and giving him a manly hug.

“This is my old l-lady. Lyla, this is my uncle B-b-bull.”

I cannot have a mini-freak out. I don’t think that would be smart right now. I’m not sure how I feel about Thomas calling me his old lady. I might like it if it were true and maybe it is… but I want to be the only woman in his heart and despite everything he’s told me, I’m not sure I am.

“Lyla,” Bull says, my name rolling off his lips like melted butter. Jesus, are all the men in the Savage crew made to make women weak in the knees? “You’re too pretty for T,” he says and I look at Thomas. He’s grinning but something flickers in his eyes. I don’t think his family realizes how broken Thomas is.

“I think he’s too beautiful for me, actually,” I respond. It’s hard to confess that. I even feel completely foolish as I say it. It’s not because it isn’t true, it is. I’ve always felt that way. It’s just hard to admit it in front of his entire family—family that knows he’s been in love with another woman. Still, I do it and I know the reason is because I don’t like the look that I saw on Thomas’s face. I don’t like him feeling like he’s not enough. He’s more than enough.

If he was mine completely, he’s all I’d ever want.

“Sunflower,” he groans. He hates when I call him beautiful, but he is and he might as well get used to being called that.

“What?” I grumble. “You are beautiful, Thomas. It should be against the law to look as good as you do. I’ve told you that a lot, so you know I mean it.”

“She’s right,” his mother says, joining in.

“Oh, God,” Thomas says, scrubbing his face with his hand.

“How’s Kayden?” The doors push open and we all look toward them. A guy walks in that looks a lot—and I mean a lot—like Thomas. Oh, there are differences. The other guy’s face has harsher lines. He might be a tad more muscular, whereas Thomas’s features are leaner and more defined. Still, the similarities are there.

“She’s fine, Dom,” Nicole says, confirming my suspicion that this is Thomas’s brother.

“I thought you were still out of town,” Dragon says, going over to him.

“Got back early,” Dom says, but he’s staring at me. I don’t look away, but the intensity on his face is unnerving—to say the least.

“Everything go okay?” Dragon asks.

“Like clockwork, Pops,” he says, still staring at me.

“Where’s my boy?” Bull asks.

“Breaker went home to crash. He said being around babies made his skin crawl,” Dom laughs with an easy drawl—one that’s a lot like his father. I’m just relieved that he finally stops staring at me.

“T,” Dom says, clearing his throat, walking over to Thomas. It’s then I lift my gaze to look at my man. His features are tight. They hug and my heart squeezes in my chest when I hear the mumbled miss yous, they exchange. How anyone could try to come between brothers who obviously care about one another and play them off of each other is incomprehensible to me. My father would say the girl is all gurgle and no guts. Me? I think she just needs slapped across the face—with a two by four.

“This must be Lyla,” he says, his gaze coming back to me. If he stares at me any harder, I’m going to start praying for him to go blind. He’s beginning to annoy me. It doesn’t help that the tone of his voice leads me to believe that he doesn’t much like me.

“That’s me,” I answer when Thomas doesn’t respond. I go to stand up from the seat that Nicole insisted I take. Thomas and Dom both reach out to help me. I blink before taking Thomas’s hand.

“W-w-where you g-g-going?”

“Kane is dancing on my bladder,” I mumble.

The tension between Dom and Thomas is so palpable that it makes me uncomfortable.

“We’re n-not naming her Kane, Lyla,” he grumps quietly.

His eyes soften a little though and—because I’m stupid—I lean up and kiss his cheek. “We’ll talk about it later.”

I see the surprise on his face, but I can also tell he likes it. His hand comes down and he strokes the side of my face with his thumb. “I’ll walk you to the r-restroom.”

“You stay and visit with your family and wait to hear about your sister. I know where the restroom is.”

“N-not leaving you alone,” he argues.

“I can take her.”

I blink and turn my attention to the two women standing by the door. Yikes, how much family does Thomas have? To a girl who has basically spent her whole life with no one but her father and the guys from his club, it’s kind of overwhelming.