“Thomas, it’s not time to think about that right now,” she says as I lay her on the bed. “And what are you doing? We can’t go to bed. It’s the middle of the day.”

“I want you again. I w-want you in a b-bed.”

“You can’t want me again. Not after what we just did,” she gasps, struggling to sit up.

I drop the towel from my waist, grinning down at her. Her eyes go round as my cock stretches out already hard and hungry for her sweet body.

“Put that away!”

“Gonna p-put it in you,” I respond with a smirk.

“You’re not… this can’t be normal, Thomas?”


“Men don’t just stay like… like…” her face heats with color and she finally gives up and just motions toward my hard cock. “Like that.”

“Hard?” I ask, laughing, as I wrap my hand around my shaft and squeeze.

“Well, yes. Will you stop that? What are you going to do if my father comes home?”

“T-tell him to g-get the fuck out.”

“You can’t say that to him. This is his house.”

“That’s why w-w-we n-n-need our own p-p-place.”

She stops talking and I see fear move over her face and I sit down. “Is l-living with m-m-m-m-me so b-b-bad?”

“Thomas, I’m not ready. I’m not sure I’ll ever be ready to live in Kentucky.”

“Then we’ll l-l-live here.”

“You can’t do that,” she argues and I shake my head.

“I b-b-belong with you and our d-d-daughter. I’m n-n-not leaving, Lyla.”

“Your family, your whole life, is in Kentucky.”

Her words piss me off, but it’s more than that. They cause a panic to build inside of me. Shit, I thought we were over this.

“D-d-do you w-w-want me w-w-with you, Lyla?”


“S-s-simple q-q-question. D-d-d-do you w-w-want m-m-me as your m-m-man?”

“Thomas, it’s not that simple.”

“I th-th-think it is. You either w-w-w-want me or you d-d-d-d-don’t. W-which is it?”

“Answer m-me!” I growl, not caring I’m standing in front of her naked. My stomach is churning. Is she ashamed to have me as her man? She didn’t seem like it at the doctor’s office. She hasn’t seemed like that since we’ve been sleeping together. The last thing I expected was to come home early to hear her refer to herself as a second choice. Nothing could be further from the truth. Now, we’re staring at one another and I’m starting to feel like a choice she doesn’t want.


“Stop this, Thomas,” she says, her voice soft. “I know what you’re thinking and it has nothing to do with you. It’s all me. I’m scared.”

I slide onto the bed beside her and pull her into my arms. I hold her close, kissing her temple and then holding her face gently—forcing her to look at me.

“T-tell me why.”

“What happens if you regret choosing me? What happens if you wish you had stayed in Kentucky? I mean, you’re a member of your father’s club and you love club life, Thomas. We’re too new for you to be making life decisions. It’s freaking me out.”

“You’re having m-my b-b-baby. You can’t m-make a b-b-bigger life d-decision than that, S-sunflower,” I respond, keeping my voice gentle because I can tell she’s truly upset.

“You didn’t really get a choice in that,” she says, tears beginning to slide out of the corner of her eyes. I gather her up, curl my body around her and lay us back on the pillow. Then move so that she rests her head on my chest. I slide my fingers through her hair, hoping to comfort her.

“D-d-does it feel like I w-w-want a choice, S-sunflower?” I ask, and then to make it even more obvious that I’m happy, I bring her hand down to my hard cock and wrap her fingers around my shaft.

She closes her eyes and drops her forehead down against my chest. “That’s just sex,” she mumbles, her words muffled as her lips move against my skin. I notice however, she doesn’t take her hand away from me. In fact, she strokes me.

“Look at m-me, Lyla.”

I feel like I’m holding my breath until she slowly begins arching her head back and bringing her gaze up to my face.

“I re-g-gr-gr-gretted letting you leave that day the second you w-walked out the door. I m-missed you instantly, but I knew you d-d-deserved more. When I found out you were p-p-pregnant, I was relieved.”


I run the pad of my index finger over the crinkle of confusion in her forehead and then kiss her there for good measure. She has no idea how precious she is.

“It gave me an ex-c-c-cuse to get you back.”

“Yeah, right,” she laughs, clearly not believing me.

“Babe. I’m lying n-n-naked in b-bed with a b-b-biker princess way out of my l-league at her f-f-father’s home when he would rather sh-sh-shoot m-m-me than look at me. N-n-no way that happens unless I truly w-w-want it.”

“I wish you’d stop being sweet,” she complains.

“I think you like it w-w-when I’m sweet.”