“He doesn’t know me,” King says.

“Why does it feel like you know me?” I ask, eyes never leaving me.

“Never met you before in my life. Just know your boy stuck his dick where he shouldn’t have. I’d say you should have taught him to at least wrap his shit up. I guess that isn’t something you care much about, right? Ruining a young girl’s life?”

“I’ve only met her a couple of times, but Lyla doesn’t strike me as the kind to let her life be ruined by anyone. I think she’ll be just fine either way this works out.”

“She will. The DC’s have her back,” he says, shaking his head.

“I’ll talk to you later, Ford. It’s about that errand you sent me on earlier.”

“I think we’re done here. Aren’t we, Dragon?” Ford says, standing up.

I guess I’ve worn my welcome out—not that I really want to stay here, anyway. I need to talk to Thomas and warn him about this fucker. The last thing my boy needs is someone else sticking his nose in what’s going on with him and Lyla. Plus, if Thomas knows he might have some competition, he might pull his head out of his ass sooner. Shit, if Crusher hadn’t kept pushing his nose in my business with Nicole, I might have made it at least a couple of weeks before claiming her. I smile as I think back to the way we fucked in the backroom of the Den and shake my head. Hell, no. I wouldn’t have waited.

“We’re done. I’ll be in touch. And remember your promise on, T. Especially when he’s around this motherfucker,” I grumble, standing up and motioning toward King.

“Your boy so weak he needs his daddy to make sure he’s protected?” King mocks.

I shake my head. “Go ahead, asshole, try him out. I’ll sit back and laugh as he fucks you up.”

“You’re inviting me to beat your son down?” he sneers.

“You can try. It won’t happen.”

“You’re delusional,” King says, shaking his head with contempt.

“Nope. I just have all the faith in the world in my boy.”

He stares at me. It feels like his eyes bore into me. I let him look. Maybe it will cause this motherfucker to think twice before he causes shit between Thomas and Lyla.

“Be in touch, Ford.”

“I’m all a flutter just waiting for the moment, Dragon,” he mocks and I shoot him the bird, which only makes him laugh harder.

I could almost like the son of a bitch if I didn’t want to plant my fist into his face quite so much.

Chapter 13


“Your mother is going to kick my ass coming home without you,” Dad mutters. We’re standing out front of Ford’s house. I hate to see him leave, but I want him to—all at the same time.

“I n-need to be here to watch over Lyla.”

“Lyla doesn’t need you,” she snaps as she comes out of the house carrying a small brown bag.

“T-t-too damn bad,” I counter, letting her know I’m unhappy. “What are y-you doing out here? It’s n-n-not safe.”

“Mr. West—”

“Just Dragon, remember,” Dad responds, his voice surprisingly gentle. It’s a tone none of us hear much—well, besides Mom. I have heard him use it with Kayden, though. I find it interesting, so I watch him closely.

“L-l-lyla, I said—”

“I heard what you said, Thomas, I’m just choosing to ignore you.”


“Don’t you babe me. You don’t get to call me that anymore.”

“W-w-why the fuck not?”

“Because that’s what you would call me before, and I liked it. Now, I realize you were probably just calling me that to keep from slipping and calling me by her name.”

“I’m w-warning you, Lyla,” I growl.

“And I’m scared,” she huffs, proving she’s not at all. She completely dismisses me and turns to my dad. “Dragon, Jazz said she was going back to Kentucky with Grunt today to pick her daughter up at your house?”

“Yeah, it’s Hawk’s birthday and somehow everyone ended up at the house for the dinner. Not sure how that worked out,” he mutters. I smile because I know that look. He doesn’t want a party. He wants to be alone with my mom.

“Hawk?” Lyla asks.

“That’s J-Jazz’s b-brother.”

“Oh,” she answers, not bothering to look at me. “I am just getting to know Jazz. She’s awesome though. I ordered something for Daisy and I missed Grunt before he left to go pick them up. Would you mind giving it to Jazz for me?”

“I can do that.” Dad says.

Lyla nods and holds out the bag to him. “It was nice meeting you even under the circumstances,” she says and something close to jealousy curls in my stomach. She likes my dad but can’t find to be even a little civil with me?

She holds out the bag for Dad and he takes it. Then, he surprises me by leaning in to kiss her temple. “I’ll see you soon.”