The funny thing is, up until now, I’d never go after another man’s woman, so he had nothing to be worried about. But now, despite knowing it’s wrong, I need to finally be honest with her. I’m not going to ask her to break up with David, but I need for her to at least know how I feel before she takes off to college with him—because once she said where she wanted to go, suddenly, he wanted to go there as well. The fact is, I’ve been holding on to these feelings for three years, and I need to get them out, so at least she knows.

I steal one of the shots Declan poured for himself and throw it back, needing a bit of liquid courage. “Fuck it. At this point, what do I have to lose?”

“That’s what I’m talking about.” Declan clasps his hand on my shoulder.

As I’m pushing off the counter, ready to lay it all out to her, a couple of our fellow students speaking next to me stops me in my place.

“…that picture… Braxton is going to kill him.”

“Kill who?”

The two girls look up, their eyes going wide. “Umm…”

“Who the fuck is Braxton going to kill?” I snatch the phone from the girl’s hand so I can see what she’s looking at. The last thing we need is Braxton getting into any fights the night before we all walk across that damn stage and get our diplomas. Sure, technically, we’re graduates, but who knows what the school would do if he got arrested for fighting, and Braxton is notorious for his no-shits-given attitude.

When I see the photo on the screen of his girlfriend half-naked in bed with another guy, I fling the phone back at the girl. “Where is this?”

“I don’t know.” She shrugs. “Probably here since I saw Kaylee earlier.” She turns back to her friend. “I always knew she was a skank. Always trying to act like she’s so perfect. Guess the homecoming queen has been dethroned.”

“What happened?” Declan asks.

“We need to find Brax. Now.”

I sprint out of the kitchen, already dialing Braxton’s number, but before it goes through, Gage’s name appears on my screen.

“Hey, man, have you seen Brax?” There’s silence over the line. “Gage, you there? This is important. Gage…”

“She… She’s gone.”

I halt on the sidewalk, a shiver racing up my spine. Gage’s girlfriend, Tori, has been going through some shit lately, but there’s no way he could mean…

“Gage, what the hell are you talking about? Where is she?”

“Tori’s dead. I’m at the hospital. She’s gone, man.” A choked sob comes through the phone, sending goose bumps up my arms.

“Stay right there,” I tell him. “I’m on my way. Don’t fucking move!”

The line goes dead, and I glance over at Declan. “Something happened to Tori. I need to go to Gage. I need you to find Braxton. There’s a picture going around of Kaylee and another guy. Find Braxton and don’t let him kill anyone.”

Declan nods, and we take off in opposite directions. I call my parents on the way and ask them to meet me at the hospital.

We arrive at the same time, finding Gage sitting in a chair at the hospital, his head in his hands, his entire body shaking uncontrollably.

“Gage.” His face pops up, his bloodshot eyes meeting mine. “What happened?”

He shakes his head, and I drop onto the ground next to him. “She texted she wouldn’t be able to make it to the party. I knew she’d been down lately, and I didn’t want her to miss our last night.” A sob escapes his lips. “I showed up at her house…” He swallows thickly. “I was too late… Fuck!” He roars. “I was too fucking late. She’s gone.” Tears slide down his face, and I pull him into my arms, holding him tight. “She’s gone,” he repeats over and over again while we sit here, me holding him while he cries into my chest.

At some point, he gets himself together and stands. “Where are you going?”

“I don’t know,” he says, looking around. “I… I don’t fucking know. Her parents wouldn’t even let me see her. I just wanted to see her.”

“You’re coming home with us,” my mom insists. “We’ll deal with this together as a family.”

I give her a sad smile, thankful as hell to have the parents I have. A few months ago, Gage aged out of the system, and the people giving him a place to live said he needed to go. Without hesitation, Mom told him he’d be staying with us.

My phone buzzes in my pocket, and remembering everything that’s going on, I pull it out so I can get everyone caught up to speed.

Declan: Not good. Kaylee cheated on Brax, and I can’t find him.

I check to make sure Declan didn’t text me in the group chat and then reply: Gage found Tori dead. Find Brax and get to my house ASAP. He needs us.