Before I get into the shower, I pull up her name and shoot her a quick text: I’m home. Where are you? I need to talk to you.

This past year, I’ve given her the space she wanted and remained her friend while she stuck to her ridiculous no-boy pact. At first, I didn’t believe she would last all year. I figured she was just heartbroken and needed time, but she stuck to that shit like glue. She joined the cheer squad like she wanted to, and she, Tori, and Kaylee spent the year boyfriend-less. Luckily, staying away from guys doesn’t include me, so nothing between us has changed. She still spent plenty of afternoons and weekends hanging out in the studio and going to the parties we performed at. Layla also started a YouTube channel, documenting our shows and practices, and it’s blown up like crazy.

I’m excited as hell to be back. I’ve written several songs while on tour with my sister, and I can’t wait to get back to practicing and performing and hanging out with my girl. This year is going to be my year. I can feel it. Braxton mentioned he and Kaylee started dating this summer, and so did Gage and Tori. I was shocked as shit my friends actually got girlfriends, but I’m happy for them. I’m also happy because that means the no-boyfriend pact is over, and I can finally tell Layla how I feel.

Since Layla hasn’t texted back yet, I take a quick shower, then get dressed, ready to go find her ass. I shoot a text to the group chat with the guys, letting them know I’m home and asking where they are, figuring since they’re dating Layla’s best friends, they’re probably all together.

Within seconds Braxton texts me back: At Serendipities. It’s hot AF today, and the girls wanted ice cream.

I chuckle at my pussy-whipped friend.

Me: Layla with you guys?

Braxton: Yeah

Me: See if everyone wants to come over and chill in the studio.

Before he can respond, Layla responds to my text: Hey you! Welcome home. Brax said we’re going to your house. See you soon!

About thirty minutes later, everyone piles into my studio. Declan is the first to enter, and he’s alone, followed by Braxton, who has his arm around Kaylee, Gage, who’s holding hands with Tori, and Layla, who’s… What in the actual fuck? She’s holding hands with some asshole I’ve never seen before.

I’m about to ask what the hell is going on when Layla locks eyes with me, her twin dimples I’ve missed the hell out of popping out. “Camden!” she squeals, running into my arms. “I’ve missed you so much!”

Her arms wrap around my neck, and I inhale her signature raspberry-vanilla scent. Fuck, I’ve missed this girl. My gaze goes over her shoulder to the guy she was holding hands with, and he’s glaring daggers my way. I tell myself this can’t be right. There’s no way I left for two months, and she found a boyfriend, but when we separate, and she walks over to stand next to him, my heart sinks, knowing that’s exactly what happened.

“Camden, I want you to meet David Kessler… my boyfriend.”

My eyes dart from him over to my friends, who are all standing silent, waiting to see how I’m going to handle this. They know I’m in love with Layla and have been waiting for her to be ready. And based on the way they’re avoiding looking my way, they’ve known about Layla and this guy for however long this has been going on and didn’t fucking tell me.

“David,” Layla continues. “This is the guy I’ve been telling you about. Camden, my best friend.”

And just like that, I’ve been friend-zoned.

Just. Fucking. Great.




High School Pre-Graduation Party

“You know what? You’re right,” I say, my gaze locked on Layla as she attempts to make her way over here only to get stopped by several people. “I’m going to tell her how I feel.”

While Layla and I have remained close, it hasn’t been easy. David is a possessive asshole—not that I can blame him since Layla is the entire package, and he’s worried she’ll leave him for someone else. But if Layla and I were together, I wouldn’t treat her the way he does—trying to keep her from her friends and hog all her time. I wouldn’t fear she’d leave me because I’d treat her so good she wouldn’t want to be with anyone else.

We still ride to school together every day, but once we’re there, David makes it a point to drag her away, wanting alone time with her. She still hangs out in the studio, but it doesn’t take long before he’s texting her, wanting to hang out. She still goes to parties, but he’s always all over her, not giving her any space. Kaylee once said he only acts like that around me, that when I’m not around, he’s normal and doesn’t get all possessive, which tells me he’s scared of losing her to me.