When we get to Felix’s room, I’m stunned. He had requested a Sonic the Hedgehog room because he’s still obsessed with the game, and Camden made it happen. The walls are painted like the game's background, and his comforter matches. The two large beanbags in the corner both have Sonic on them. Even the curtains have Sonic on them.

“This is my room,” Felix says as if it’s not obvious. “Grandma said I get to sleep here tonight.”

Speaking of which… “Where is Grandma?”

“Right here,” Mom says, walking in and giving me a kiss. “Look at that tan you’ve got. You look beautiful.” She presses her palms to my face. “And happy.”

“I am,” I tell her, wrapping my arm around Camden’s waist. “Did you do all this?”

“No,” she says with a laugh. “That would be your husband. Felix and I just arrived so we were here when you got home.” She pats my shoulder. “I’m going to take off. I have book club tonight. Welcome home. Come over soon so you can tell me all about your trip.”

Once she’s gone, Camden shows me the rest of the house, which is exactly how I envisioned it when I was picking out stuff online, and then we order a pizza and watch a movie with Felix. Tomorrow is Saturday so he doesn’t have school, which means we get to spend the weekend in our new home as a family. Life can’t get much better than this.

“Shit,” I hiss, pressing end on the call.

“What’s the matter?” Camden asks, startling me. He wraps his arms around me from behind and nuzzles his face into the crook of my neck. For a moment, I’m distracted, basking in his touch.

“I have to go to the doctor for my yearly checkup, and I completely forgot. My mom just left to go to The Hamptons with your mom for a girls’ weekend, so I can’t have her pick up Felix from school.”

“You have me,” Camden says, turning me around to face him. “I’m your husband, and while Felix might not be my son, he’s part of you, which by extension is part of me.”

“I know, but—”

“No buts. We’re a family and in this together. If you need something, all you have to do is ask.”

“Thank you.” I wrap my arms around him and kiss him. “I’ll let his teacher know you’re picking him up.”

“Sounds good. We do need to talk before you go, though.”

The look in his eyes has me worried. “Did something happen?” When he sighs, I know something has. “Camden…”

“I ran into David the other day. He knows you’ve moved and that we’re married. Before Simon could stop him, he made some threats.” Simon is one of his main bodyguards. Several of them rotate, but Simon is Camden’s personal bodyguard and tends to go where he goes when it’s needed.

“What kind of threats?”

“He said he’s not going to let me take his family from him, and if I think this is over, I’m wrong.”

A chill races up my spine, and I step back, needing some space. “He threatened you…?” My thoughts go back to the images he sent—Camden had sent them to Daniel, and he advised us to report them as threats so they’re documented.


“He’s snapped. He’s not the same guy he was when we first got together. Or maybe he is, and I just didn’t realize it. We need to take his threats seriously.”

“And we are,” Camden says, taking my hands in his. “I’ve added to my security team, and Simon will accompany you everywhere you go.”

“But he’s yours…”

“He’s part of my team, and I trust him more than anyone else to keep you safe. As my wife, you should have security with you anyway. New York is quiet, but the paparazzi are still around. We’ve been going everywhere together up until now, but if you’re leaving on your own, I want you to take Simon with you, and you need to always take the SUV. No taking the subway, even if you feel it’s faster.”

Shortly after we got back, Camden insisted on replacing my little car with something safer. I wasn’t thrilled, but I understood and let him because I’ve seen the way the photographers linger, especially when we leave the house. Sometimes, I don’t even notice them there, but later, I’ll see pictures of us all over the internet.

“Okay,” I agree. “I need to get going so I’m not late.” I give him a kiss on his cheek, then head out, Simon meeting me outside.

“Ma’am,” he says with a smile, opening the door for me.

Once I arrive at the doctor’s office, I’m seen quickly. After I give a urine sample, they check my blood pressure, and I get changed into a gown, then the doctor comes in.

“Good morning, Mrs. Blackwood. How are you feeling?”

“I’m good.” I grin, loving my new last name.