“That’s four women for three guys,” I point out. “Someone’s going to feel left out.”

Declan barks out a laugh. “That’s four women for two guys, and trust me, none of them are going to feel left out.”

It takes me a second, but once I put together what he’s saying, I actually do gag this time. “They’re sleeping with two women each?”

Declan chuckles, and Camden shakes his head.

“Won’t be the first time,” Declan says. “I’m off to bed. See ya in the morning.”

Once he disappears down the hall, I turn my attention back on Camden. “You better have that pool house bleached.” I mock shiver. “I can’t even imagine the fluids that are getting swapped in there.”

Camden rolls his eyes playfully. “Forget them. What I want to focus on is that blow job you were talking about before we were interrupted.”

“Oh yes, in exchange for trying this.” I pick up the bread I had placed on the plate and lift it to his mouth. Just as he’s opening to take a bite, my phone vibrates, reminding me—for the second time, since I clicked ignore earlier when we were busy in the bedroom—to take my birth control and iron pills.

“Be right back.” I drop the bread, kiss him quickly, and run to his bedroom to grab my pills, swallowing them with a mouth full of water.

“Okay, now where were we?” I say when I sit back on the couch. “Oh, right! You’re going to take a bite of this delicious sandwich.” I’m bringing it to his mouth when an alarm sounds, indicating a door somewhere in the house has been opened.

I give Camden a look, silently asking who’s coming in, but he shakes his head and bites down. He chews slowly, making a face similar to the face Felix makes when I force him to eat his vegetables, then audibly swallows.

“Fuck, that was horrible.”

“What? It’s yummy. Maybe you need one more—”

“Nope!” He snatches the bread from me, drops it onto the plate, and tosses the plate onto the coffee table. “One bite is what I agreed to.” He scoops me up into his arms and stands. “Now it’s time to pay up.”

As he’s walking us out of the living room, there’s a clatter from the direction of the kitchen, and then a “Fuck!” Braxton pops his head out of the kitchen. “I need condoms and lube. Who the fuck used the last of it in the pool house and didn’t restock?”

“You’re looking in the kitchen for condoms?” I ask, confused.

“And lube,” Braxton adds.


Camden shuts me up by kissing me and continues walking us to his bedroom, ignoring Braxton. Once we’re inside and the door is shut, he sets me on the bed and steps between my legs, then goes about kissing my face and neck, but I can’t get my question out of my head.

“Why would he be looking for condoms and lube in the kitchen?”

“Because there’s usually some in the kitchen drawer,” he says, peppering kisses along my neck.

His answer leads to another question. “Do you guys have sex a lot in the kitchen?”

He shrugs, then gently pushes me down so I’m on my back and he’s hovering over me. His mouth lands on my ear, and he tugs on the lobe.

I should be focusing on him, but now I’m wondering… “Have you had sex in the kitchen?”

This makes him stop in place. His eyes meet mine. “We’re not having this conversation.”

“What conversation?”

“The one where you ask me how many women I’ve slept with, and my number will undoubtedly be higher than yours because you’ve only been with one guy… well, now two, with me. That’ll lead to you asking questions you don’t really want the answers to, which will end with you becoming insecure and getting upset.”

“Wow, you just had an entire conversation for us both and told me my feelings.”

Camden sighs and rolls off me, landing on his side. “I just got you. The last thing I want is for you to run scared.”

“That bad, huh?” I joke. Camden doesn’t laugh, though, and that makes my stomach roil. I know he hasn’t been a saint all these years. He’s in a rock band. The sex and drugs are expected to go along with the rock and roll. But he’s right… Now that I’m thinking about it, I can’t help the insecurity from rearing its ugly head. It’s one thing to speculate, but it’s another to actually see Braxton and Gage walk in with multiple women.

“Have you had sex with multiple women?” I blurt out.

Camden’s eyes roll up to the ceiling. “I guess we’re going to have this conversation anyway.” He sighs and flops onto his back, and I hate that I’ve just ruined the moment, but I can’t help my curiosity.

“Have I had sex? Of course,” he says, glancing over at me. “With more than one woman? Yeah. But not as often as you’re thinking and not in a long time. When the fame first hit, women flocked to us. I was heartbroken, learning you were getting married and then you got pregnant, and I lost myself in a few women. But it got old real quick. The fake women, the fake emotions. It’s not for me.”