Since we’re not performing until tomorrow, she left today open for us to do what we want. The guys already know I’ve made plans for Layla and me for the day. My goal is to reconnect with her and remind her of the friendship we once had while wooing the hell out of her. I only get one day alone with her, so I’m determined to make the most out of it.

A few minutes into the drive, my phone goes off with a text from Kendall. When I click on it, I see she actually texted Gage, Braxton, Declan, and me.

Kendall: Hey! Mom said you guys are flying in. Let’s meet up. I miss you!

One of the nice things about living in LA for the past five years is that, even though the majority of my family lives in New York, Kendall owns a home just up the street from us in Calabasas. With us both touring like crazy, we don’t see each other often. But during the rare occasion we’re both in LA at the same time, we hang out. Kendall loves her house and loves to throw pool parties, which leaves me to man the grill.

Me: You’re back?

Kendall: About to land. I was thinking I could fly home with you guys on Sunday since I couldn’t make it home yesterday for Thanksgiving. I’m going to surprise Mom and Dad and chill in New York for a while. I’m exhausted.

In other words, she and her latest boyfriend broke up, and she’s going to New York to hide out. My sister is what you’d call a serial dater. No matter who she’s with, she finds something wrong with him. And when they break up, she writes a shit ton of songs about him. Ever heard what people say about Taylor Swift’s exes? They’ve been Swifted. Well, my sister’s exes… they get Stiffed. It’s a play off the wood in Blackwood. Lame, I know. But it doesn’t change the fact that, like Taylor, my sister has developed quite the reputation for luring men in, making them fall in love, and then kicking them to the curb. I love my sister, she’s one of my best friends, but I pity the men she hooks. I honestly don’t think she does it to be cruel. I think my sister loves the idea of being in love. She has it in her head what it should look like, feel like, sound like, and when the guy she’s with does something she doesn’t like, she drops him quicker than a bad habit. Hell, she has yet to bring a single guy home with her to meet our parents.

Me: I can do breakfast. Layla’s with us. She’s our new videographer. I made plans with her for the rest of the day.

Kendall: I heard… and of course you did. I need to shower and get some shut-eye, so breakfast is a no-go, bro.

Braxton: Sleeping all fucking day. Club LA tonight.

Club LA is our go-to place to chill. It’s owned by a good friend of ours, so whenever we go, we get VIP, which allows us to party without all the craziness that comes with being who we are.

Gage responds next—guess he woke up: Same

I’m about to put my phone away when another text comes through from Declan: I’m down for lunch or dinner.

I mentally roll my eyes. Of course he is. The guy has had a crush on my sister since we first met. Normally, a brother would be worried about his friends hooking up with his sister, but in my case, if Kendall ever gave in to Declan, I’d be more concerned about him. Because Declan is a hopeless romantic. He’s the sweet to Braxton’s jaded. The light to Gage’s dark. And the optimistic to my—until recently—pessimistic ass. He keeps us all grounded. Never allowing the scales to tip too much one way.

Kendall: Sounds good! I’ll text you when I wake up.

When we arrive at the airport, we’re taken straight to the Blackwood jet that’s waiting for us. Layla walks on board with wide eyes, checking it all out. It reminds me of the first time the guys came on board. I was raised in this lifestyle, so for me, it’s a normal occurrence. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t for a second take it for granted or not appreciate what I have, but the wow factor just isn’t there.

We take off, and the guys find a place to crash, leaving Layla and me on the couch. “Any plans for today?” she asks, constantly glancing at her phone. “I didn’t see anything on the agenda.” When I made the plans for us today, it was to reconnect, but now I’m hoping they’ll take her mind off the fact that she’s away from her son all weekend. Because of her divorce, she’d be in the same position she’s in now, but I’m sure it’s harder knowing she’s hours away from him.