“So then what do we do? Where does that leave us?”

“We get to know each other all over again,” Camden says, rubbing his thumb across my bottom lip before he steps back, breaking all contact. “Starting right now.” He extends his hand. “I’m Camden Rocco Blackwood, lead singer of Raging Chaos. It’s nice to meet you.”

I snort out a laugh at his introduction and accept his hand. “I’m Layla Isabella Kessler. Can I have your autograph?” I flip my hair playfully, making him laugh.

“Oh, Shutterbug, you can have way more than that.”

“Oh, yeah?” I play along. “Like what?”

“Me,” he says, using my hand to tug me toward him. “You can have me.”



“I’m thankful for my mommy because she lets me stay up past my bedtime sometimes and because she signed me up for dance classes, and Grandma because she lets me have another cupcake when Mommy says no…” Felix looks around the table and stops on Camden. “My friend Cam for buying me the new Sonic game.”

Everyone laughs under their breath as he continues to thank everyone he can think of for doing something for him or letting him do something he shouldn’t do. It’s Thanksgiving, and we’re all at the Blackwoods for lunch. We’ve finished eating dessert, and Sophia insisted we continue Nanna’s tradition of everyone going around and saying what they’re thankful for. Normally, we would eat later, but with my custody agreement, David gets Felix at two o’clock, so everyone agreed to eat earlier so Felix and I could join.

It’s going to be the first time Felix spends the night with David, and I’m not looking forward to it. After the craziness at his office, he showed up at my house the next day, begging to talk, but I refused. I think he’s finally gotten the message because he texted me to let me know he rented a condo near his work and would like to take Felix for the weekend starting on Thanksgiving. It’ll probably be the most time they’ve spent together since he was born, since David always works. He assured me he would spend the weekend with him and not pawn him off onto his parents—although that might not be a bad thing since his parents are actually good grandparents—or drag him into the office, so hopefully he’s telling the truth because I officially start my job for Raging Chaos this weekend.

I’ve signed the contract and am going away with them early tomorrow morning for the weekend to LA for Escape, a music festival that takes place all weekend. The guys will be performing on Saturday night, but they will also attend meet and greets and panels, where they’ll be asked questions about their music and band. Since David is taking Felix for the weekend, I’m able to go. It will be my first weekend away from Felix, so at least I’ll be busy instead of wallowing by myself.

And then there’s the fact that I haven’t seen or heard from Camden since our conversation at Lush, where I allowed the alcohol flowing through me to speak honestly and even flirt with him. After he made it crystal clear that he wanted me, we spent the rest of the night dancing, and then we headed back home when the club closed. They had the car drop me off first, and after Camden made sure I was in safely, he kissed me on my forehead and wished me a good night, leaving me to spend the rest of the night thinking about everything he said.

“Camden, it’s your turn,” Sophia says, snapping me out of my thoughts. “What are you thankful for?”

Everyone turns their attention to Camden.

“Hmm…” he says as if thinking about what he wants to say. “Despite losing one of my favorite people, I have a lot to be thankful for this year. It’s the first time in a few years that we’ve been able to be home.” His gaze skates over to Declan, Braxton, and Gage. “I’m thankful for another year of success with Raging Chaos. It’s been a wild ride thus far, and I can’t imagine being on it with anyone but you guys.” The guys raise their glasses and tip their chins up, silently agreeing.

“I’m thankful for the home-cooked meal,” he continues, glancing at my mom and then his. “It’s been a tough few weeks without Nanna. I miss her daily phone calls and her reminders to do my laundry.” He looks at his sisters and chuckles under his breath. “I’m thankful my sisters have stepped up to call me every day. Now, if they could just do my laundry, I’d be set.” He shrugs, and everyone laughs. “And…” His eyes meet mine. “I’m thankful for opportunities I never thought possible.”

Everyone goes quiet, waiting for him to elaborate, but instead, he takes his glass and raises it, his eyes never leaving mine. “Happy Thanksgiving, everyone.”