Kaylee flushes the toilet and washes her hands, then follows me out of the bathroom. “Only you can answer that, but if I were to guess…” She locks eyes with me. “I think hearing that song stirred something deep inside you.”

“Like what?”

“Like feelings for the lead singer of Raging Chaos.”

“I’m married,” I argue, refusing to acknowledge that what she’s saying might be true. Not that it matters because the fact is, I am married, and while Camden and I used to be best friends, we’re not even acquaintances anymore. “I love my husband.”

But as I say those words, a sadness creeps into my chest. Because while it’s true, I do love David—he’s the father of my son, and I’ve given him every part of me for the past six years—if I’m honest with myself, I don’t think I’ve been in love with him for quite some time. I keep holding out hope that he’s going to change, that we’re going to fix the broken in our marriage so we don’t have to tear our family apart, but the truth is, I’m not sure if that’s possible.

“That doesn’t mean you can’t have feelings for another man.” I’m not sure if she’s right or wrong, but I’ve been cheated on, and it sucks. Having feelings for another man while I’m married might not actually be cheating, but it still doesn’t sit right with me.

“I don’t want to talk about this anymore,” I say, needing to shut down the conversation and get dressed so I can pick up Felix from my mom’s. It’s already well after breakfast.

When I text her I’m on my way, she replies that she’s taken him to the children’s museum and to meet her at the house for dinner.

I pull up the thread of texts with David, scrolling through them. He apologized for his attitude and asked what time I’d be home, and apparently, in my drunken state, I told him never. Yikes. He proceeded to tell me he’s sorry and that he loves me, and I told him I’d be spending the night at Kaylee’s. Of course the mention of her pissed him off, and the conversation ended with him telling me not to let her slut rub off on me.

As soon as I get home, I shower, careful with the new tattoo, and then get dressed, putting on a bit more makeup than usual to cover my hangover. David isn’t home, which means he’s probably working all weekend again. I make sure the shirt I’m wearing fully covers my ink and then head to his office to surprise him for lunch, stopping at his favorite Italian restaurant to get us food. Yeah, I know. You can smell the guilt I’m bathed in from a mile away.

When I arrive, the office is locked, and I have to text him that I’m here, so he can let me up. When he comes down, the lack of emotion on his face has my stomach churning. Something is wrong.

“I brought a peace offering,” I tell him, holding up the bag of food. “Rossi’s, your favorite.”

David nods, and I swallow thickly as I walk past him and over to the elevator. He’s silent the entire ride up to his office floor and doesn’t say a word once we’re in his office. The silence has my head spinning in worry. Is it possible he heard the song? Does he know it’s about me?

The moment we’re in his office, he slams the door, making me jump, and is on me, pushing me against the desk. Out of shock, I drop the bag of food and drinks onto the floor as his mouth descends on mine in a punishing kiss. At first, I think he’s turned on and wants me, but when he bites my lip hard, making me yelp out in pain, goose bumps prickle my flesh. He’s pissed, and I highly doubt it’s over our half-assed argument last night. We’ve had a million of those over the years.

“Ow!” I hiss. “That hurts.”

“That hurts?” he barks. “You know what fucking hurts? Learning that my wife was out last night with another man!”

“What the hell are you talking about?” I ask in confusion. “I wasn’t with anyone but Bailey and Kaylee last night.”

“You’re going to lie and say you didn’t go to that concert to see Camden fucking Blackwood?” He grips my chin to force me to look at him. “Is that why you didn’t want me to go?”

“Are you insane?” I scoff, tugging my face out of his grip. “I asked you to join us. You had to work.” I might’ve seen him last night, but I sure as hell didn’t go there with the intent to.

“So while I’m busting my ass to provide a cushy life for you and our family, you go out with him?” He steps back slightly and runs his fingers through his hair.