“You know my dad would be offended if you don’t intern with us.”

“I wasn’t really sure if that was still on the table.” I shrug, not wanting Easton to think I’ve disappeared and then expect him to take me in.

“Layla,” she says, placing her hand on my thigh. “I know you and Camden don’t…” She flinches, not finishing the sentence, but we both know what she was saying: we don’t talk anymore. “But that doesn’t change the fact that you’re like family.”

“I appreciate that. I think, for now, I’ll keep looking. I don’t want to stir the pot.”

I can tell she wants to argue, but instead, she says, “Okay, but if you change your mind…”

“I know. Thank you.”

When we get to the venue, we’re taken backstage. With Bailey’s hand in mine, we walk through the throng of people running around and getting ready for the show to start. It’s complete madness and makes me smile. I always dreamed of working with musicians, and although I’ve only been to a handful of concerts, those I’ve been to, I was lucky enough to be with Camden and get to experience it all from behind the scenes. Every show he took me to solidified what I wanted to do for a living. Being back here amid the chaos reminds me of my dreams. And if David thinks he’s going to stop me from achieving them, he’s got another thing coming.

“I just need to check in with Cade real quick,” she says. “Actually, you’ll love to meet him.” She grins back at me. “He’s our videographer. I’m doing a promotional YouTube series leading up to the next tour for Raging Chaos, and he’s getting footage for it.”

She searches for him in several areas he should be in, and when she can’t find him, she stops and calls him. After the second attempt, he answers. “Hey, Cade, where are you?”

I can’t hear what’s being said but based on the frown now marring her features, it can’t be good. “Is everything okay?” Her frown deepens. “I understand… No, it’s okay. You need to focus on her. If you need anything, please let me know.”

“What happened?” I ask when she hangs up.

“Cade’s girlfriend has been put on bed rest. She’s only eighteen weeks pregnant. He’s been so distraught that he forgot to call me. He’s in LA with her right now.”

“Is she okay?”

“Yeah, but he’s worried about leaving her. I really wanted to get some footage of the show tonight, but there’ll be other shows.”

“I could do it,” I blurt out. “If you have the camera equipment and lighting, I could record the footage. It’s not that hard.” Her eyes go wide, and I immediately backtrack. “I mean, I haven’t done anything like that in a while, but while I was in college, I videoed a few shows and made some music videos. No, actually, I can’t do it. I don’t know what I was thinking. Just ignore me. I’m an idiot. I have no idea what I’m even talking about.” When a smile spreads across Bailey’s face, I stop my rambling. “What?”

“Nothing, I was just listening to you have an entire conversation with yourself. Do you do that often?”

I snort out a laugh. “It’s one of the side effects of being a stay-at-home mom.”

She laughs. “Sounds like you need some adult interaction.”

“David works a lot,” I mumble, immediately regretting it when Bailey looks at me curiously. “I mean, he’s working his way up the corporate ladder, and with the promotions, he has to be at the office a lot, so it’s usually just Felix and me.” I sigh, willing myself to shut up.

“So you can do it?” she asks, changing gears.

“Do what?” I ask dumbly.

She rolls her eyes. “Record the show. It would just be during the guys’ set, which is only two songs.”

“I don’t know.”

“You would be doing me a huge favor, and let’s be real…” She steps closer and leans in like she’s about to tell me a secret. “We both know you want to. I bet you’re itching to get behind a camera again.”

She’s right. I totally do, and I totally am. My fingers are literally tingling at the thought of getting my hands on the professional equipment. It’s been too long since I’ve gotten to do anything like this and never at an event this big.

“Yeah, I do,” I admit.

She grins. “Then let’s do it.”



Since the guys don’t go on until last, after Bailey shows me where all the equipment is and I get situated, we go to the VIP seats and watch several performances. Some of my favorite bands are playing, and I get lost in the music. It’s been way too long since I’ve been able to let loose and enjoy myself. We dance and laugh and sing and even have a couple of drinks. I’m so wrapped up in the show that I'm momentarily confused when Bailey says it’s time to head backstage. Until I remember I’m recording Raging Chaos. Then my heart goes into overdrive because what the hell was I thinking? I haven’t seen these guys in person in five years.