Carina’s mother stiffened. Ice drizzled over her features and stopped his heart. “Why not, Maximus?”

Shit, shit, shit, shit . . .

“Because I’m not good enough for Carina! I work crazy hours, I’m unstable, and she needs to find herself. She’d feel trapped with me, I’m sure, and she needs a man who wants to settle down and take care of her and have babies. Someone better suited. Someone not me.”

An eerie silence settled over the room. Panic clawed at his gut. There was no way he could marry Carina. He’d ruin her life and break her heart. He didn’t do long term. He didn’t do commitment.

Mama Conte reached over, took his hand, and squeezed. Her delicate fingers gripped him with urgency. “You are wrong. You are perfect for Carina, and always were. Your actions last night only fast-forwarded what was meant to be from the beginning.” The older woman smiled. “Now, no more nonsense. You are part of the family and always have been. No silly talk about ruining her. It is time you settle down with a woman who can be what you need, who is your match.”


“Will you disappoint your mother because you are suddenly afraid?” Her steely tone cut through the fog and to the heart of the problem. His mama would never hold her head up again if news got out he slept with Carina and didn’t marry her. It would ruin her reputation and everything they worked so hard to build. A sense of trust, and honor, and home. He’d be doing exactly what his father did. Abandoning his responsibility. Humiliating his mother all over again in the small town that had finally forgiven her. Yes, no one married just because they had sex, but once everyone found out what happened, a major fallout would occur. He’d drag his family and Carina down into the pits. She’d never feel free to go home again. And he’d never be able to look his mama straight in the eye.

The only option crystallized like spun glass. Marriage. He needed to marry Carina. It was the only way to make things right. His honor demanded it, and it was all he had left.

A strange calm settled over him. He’d tasted her forbidden fruit and now needed to claim her permanently. She was going to be his wife, and there was nothing left to do.

By stepping up, he’d finally become a permanent part of the family he always loved. But at what price? What type of husband could he possibly make for Carina? He’d never be worthy, but could he be enough to prove he’d never be like his father?

He had to be.

Grateful that he wasn’t experiencing a breakdown, he nodded and made his choice. “Yes. But let me do this my way. Carina will refuse to marry me if she thinks we’re bullying her into it. You know how stubborn she is.”

“You are right. Go in and ask her. Make her happy. That is all that matters.”

Her words shook him to the core. Flutters of panic tickled his nerve endings. “What if I can’t?”

She reached out and cupped both of his cheeks between her weathered hands. Dark eyes held a knowledge and peace he clung to. “Do you think I would let Carina marry anyone not worthy of her? You need to trust yourself more, Maximus. Trust you are enough and nothing like the man who left you. I’ve watched you grow up, and I’m proud of you. Of your choices and the way you took care of your mother.” She pinched one cheek like he was a toddler. “Be the man and husband I know you can, my sweet boy. Take this gift.”

He shuddered and fought for composure. Any words of protest died in his throat.

“Now, I’ll go downstairs and get some breakfast. Come get me when you are ready.”

He watched the older woman leave and dragged in a lungful of air. Waited a beat. Then went to wake up his future wife.

• • •

Carina heard the voice in the background, but she was pleasantly buzzed and relaxed with the endorphins of hours of fabulous sex. She moaned into the plump pillow and stretched. Max’s voice grew louder, so she finally rolled over.


His voice was deep, sexy, and matched his morning-after look. Tousled hair fell in disarray over his forehead. Shocking blue eyes gleamed with a mix of emotions she couldn’t place, so instead she tugged him forward and kissed those carved lips. His rough stubble contrasted deliciously with her sensitive skin. It took him a moment of hesitation, as if he wasn’t sure how to respond. Then he dove full force.

He pressed her back into the mattress and kissed her like a proper lover. Deep thrusts of his tongue and full-body contact. He tasted of hot male arousal and a hint of her essence, from the endless hours of lovemaking. Finally, he pulled away and smiled down at her.

“Your greeting was better.”

She laughed and stroked his cheek. “I agree. Where’s my coffee?”

“Coming. I got distracted. Wanted to ask you something first.”

“No worries.” Her heart fell apart but she knew what was coming. And desperately wanted to do it first. “We’ll sip coffee, get dressed, and never mention last night. I don’t want you to worry, Max. This is what I wanted, and I can handle it.” She forced a half laugh. “Feels nice to be the jaded American woman for a change. Using a male for her physical pleasure and tossing him aside. Another fantasy checked off my list.”

Oddly, she didn’t spot any relief in his eyes. Instead, he pulled back and sat on the edge of the mattress. Examined her bare leg and refused to meet her gaze. “The rules have changed, Carina. At least for me.”

Confusion swamped her. She sat up and pushed her tangled mane of hair from her face. “What are you talking about?”

He cleared his throat. Looked up. “I want you to marry me.”

She blinked. “Are you nuts?”

His hand shook as he rubbed his forehead. Was he nervous? Had he gone off some deep end because he screwed his best friend’s little sister? “Only you would ask such a question after a marriage proposal. No, I’m perfectly sane. I don’t want to pretend nothing happened between us. We’re in Vegas. We’re meant to be together. Let’s get married.”

She’d dreamed most of her life of such words coming from this man’s lips. Wasn’t it every woman’s fantasy to hear a man propose after a night of endless pleasure? The perfect ending to every romantic comedy and romance novel. So, why wasn’t she launching herself into his arms screaming “yes”?

Because her instincts warned something was off. Why the sudden turnaround? How could he have gone from no commitment to marriage in less than twenty-four hours? She ignored her babbling younger self who whispered she didn’t care, and listened instead to the older, wiser Carina. “Umm, I’m flattered, truly. But if you’re so intent on not hiding our relationship, why don’t we just date?”