“Sure, as long as everything’s going smoothly he can take a few off. Carina can cover.”

“How sweet. Isn’t it wonderful to work with a close family friend?” Her smile was genuine beneath gleaming white teeth, and guilt nipped at Carina. How dare she judge people on surfaces? Victoria seemed like a nice, savvy woman who just happened to have the appearance of a supermodel. Was that her fault? No. She decided to back off. If Max wanted to pursue her, maybe it was for the best. His constant need to date women who were wrong for him fascinated her, and he seemed intent on proving he’d changed.

Victoria chattered on about a friend of hers she was worried about. “Richard’s been my rock for years now. Our fathers are best friends, and we grew up together. Poor man is going through a tragic divorce right now. Married the wrong woman. I’m doing everything possible to try and get him through it.”

Maggie and Alexa made sympathetic noises.

Carina caught the raw longing on the woman’s face as she uttered the name. Richard.

“What a shame,” she said, forking up a piece of pasta. “He’s very lucky to have you.”

A twinge of regret gleamed from Victoria’s eyes. “Yes. I keep telling him that.”


Victoria was in love with Richard and the idiot male probably didn’t even know it. No wonder she was trying desperately to make it work with Max. Max never demanded much from his dates. Maybe there was pressure for her to settle down? Or did she want to try to make this Richard jealous? Empathy pulsed in her gut. Victoria struggled with the same damn situation Carina had. Mooning over a man who looked at her like a younger sister. Pathetic. Well, the least she could do was cut her loose from Max and save her from making a tragic mistake.

“Where’s Lily?” Max asked as he spooned a few bits of salad onto his date’s plate, then was told to stop. A black olive rolled off the side and onto the table. Victoria made no move to spear it with the fork. The woman’s lack of food appreciation saddened Carina.

“Sleeping at Nonni’s house. They spoil her rotten and Nick thought we’d try to have a grown-up night.”

Nick pulled on a corkscrew curl and winked at his wife. “Yeah, maybe we’ll both make it past ten tonight. Dare to dream.”

Carina chuckled. “Parenthood changes you.”

“Damn right,” Michael piped up. “That’s why you need to enjoy yourself when you’re single. Max and Carina are in the twilight of their lives.” He winced when Maggie treated him to her powerful right hook on his arm. “Kidding, cara. You tortured me enough before we got married. I wouldn’t change a thing, but must admit that life seems just about perfect.”

She nodded and he lifted a hand to press a kiss against her palm.

Raw need rose up and choked Carina. She stuffed her mouth full of pasta instead and hoped it would feed at least her physical hunger. Victoria tapped her fork thoughtfully against her Botoxed lips. “I can’t wait to have children,” she announced. “I’m exhausted from the endless dating and partying. Don’t you agree, Max?”

A flush crept to his cheeks as everyone stared. Carina held her breath. “Sure.” She seemed as if waiting for him to expand. “I’m looking forward to settling down in the future.”

Victoria cocked her head. “Future? What does that mean? How far into the future? You know Daddy needs me to marry soon, right?”

Alexa and Maggie put down their utensils. Even Nick and Michael leaned forward to catch his answer.

Max cleared his throat and reached for his wine. He took a sip but the silence still pulsed around the table. Like a trapped wolf, his gaze scurried in panic around the table, then locked with hers.

Pure heat blazed from blue eyes and stung. The truth hit her full force. He wanted Victoria to be The One. But she wasn’t. He also had no clue she was in love with another man. Perhaps he sensed her obvious distance and decided she’d be another safe bet.

Slowly, Carina relaxed and began to enjoy the show. “Max adores children,” she said. “His mother has been wanting him to settle down for a while now. But where would you guys live?”

A strange sound emitted from his throat then died.

Victoria jumped in. “Oh, we could work that out. I need to be in England for a few months of the year, but the rest of the time we can be in New York. Of course, we’d visit Italy so I could meet Max’s mother. Doesn’t that sound wonderful, darling?”

“Yes, of course. One day.”


Carina tamped down on a giggle. She’d finally seen a full fledged-male panic attack. “Soon.” Max grabbed a napkin, wiped his mouth, and rose from the table. “Umm, excuse me for a minute. Be right back.”

He launched himself down the hall and disappeared. Victoria drew back in surprise.

Carina rose from the table. “If you’d excuse me for a second, I’ll be right back.”

She followed.

• • •

Max closed the door to the house’s library. What was wrong with him?

He fisted his hands and pressed them against his eyes. Victoria was the perfect woman. She was beautiful, smart, and wanted to settle down and raise a family. He always enjoyed her company when she came to town. Proving Carina wrong was important. Her words mocked and danced in his head like an evil joker gone wild.

You always pick the wrong women.

Impossible. Sure, she had great examples, but Victoria finally proved her wrong. So why was there no real connection or any desire to take the relationship to next level?

The image of his fingers diving into wet fire shimmered before him. The sharp pain of her heels in his back. The sweet, sassy taste of her mouth and the smell of her arousal. Pushing that postage stamp skirt up her thighs had been the sweetest fantasy come true. If they hadn’t been interrupted, he would’ve laid her back on the desk and dived in.

Jesus, one time could be forgiven. Barely. Twice?

He needed his own carved slot in hell.

A light tap at the door was his only warning.

His nose twitched as the clean scent of cucumber and melon rose in the air. Awareness prickled down his spine. The relaxed, scholarly air of the library suddenly crackled with electricity. The soft soles of her Keds masked her progress, but her body heat burned right behind him. Damn her for screwing up his head.

Damn her for making him want.