He pushed the disturbing thoughts away and worked through the next hour. A slight tap at the door broke his concentration. “Am I interrupting?”

Laura Wells poked her head in. The director of a well-known supplier, she and he had hit it off a few weeks ago and had a great conversation. One date led to a second, and Max sensed she was the perfect package. Gorgeous with long blond wavy hair, green eyes, a slim body with long legs, and height that nearly matched his, she was also smart and held a common business background. He relaxed and waved her in. “No, I need a break. It’s good to see you.”

She sauntered over with an easy grace. Her sage suit matched her eyes and flattered her lean length. “Wanted to see if you’ll save me from an event filled with boredom. I need to go to Walter’s party. Are you going?”

Max guiltily remembered how he’d pawned it off on Bonnie. “I didn’t intend to.”

She gave a pretty pout. “Oh, please come with me, Max. My schedule’s been insane lately and I need to combine some business with pleasure.”

The look in her eyes told him the outcome of the evening.


He needed this, a night off with a beautiful woman who knew the rules. Maybe the promise of more. At least the promise of a satisfying encounter. “It would be my honor to escort you. I’ll pick you up at seven.”


He stood to walk her out and almost slammed into Carina. Her ruby red lips made a small O and gave him dirty images of what other things she could do with that mouth. He jumped a step back and cursed under his breath. “You scared the hell out of me.”

She tilted her head. “Jumpy today, huh? Oh, hello. I’m Carina Conte.”

Laura smiled and they shook hands. A sense of pleasure washed over him. Finally, he’d show her he was serious about his companions and treated them perfectly. He made the introductions. “Laura will be my date for Walter’s party.”

Carina’s smile never dimmed. “How lovely. You really should come to dinner one night at my brother’s house. Guests of Max are always welcome.”

Uneasiness shot through him. Laura looked a bit too eager. He shuffled his feet and tried to feign enthusiasm. “Um, of course. I’ll get back to you on some dates.”

“Friday nights,” Carina chirped.

“I’d love to. Thanks so much.”

He cleared his throat. What was she doing? He wasn’t ready for Laura to attend family events. Max frowned. “Did you need something?”

Carina held out a stack of papers. “Here are the reports. The Yankees won. The second floor had the game on, and Wayne got nailed in a photo.”

“You’ll need to reprimand him.”

“I’ll speak with him tomorrow.”

“Next time you allow a sick day, check the baseball schedule. And make sure they’re not hungover.”


Her efficiency surprised him as much as her cool control. No matter what he gave her, she took it and never complained. In a matter of weeks she’d charmed the staff with her heart and humor. “Heard you let Tom go early today, too. I needed those sales figures. What was his excuse?”

“He didn’t want to miss his son’s spring concert.” She didn’t even wince. “I contacted Edward, and he’s going to help me get them to you within the hour.”

“Fine. I’ll need you to work late tonight again.”

“Of course.”

The door opened again and Edward came in. Max’s office suddenly resembled Grand Central Station. “Hey, boss. Heard you need sales reports this afternoon.”

“I needed them hours ago.”

“Carina and I will work on them now.” Edward smiled at Laura, and Carina jumped in to make introductions. They chatted as if at an intimate tea party instead of the office. “I guess we’ll see you at the party then. Let’s try to sit together,” Edward said.

Max lifted a brow. “Sit together? Are you going?”

Edward grinned. “Sure. I’m taking Carina with me.”

He watched as his assistant shot his salesperson an intimate smile. As if she also intended to combine business with pleasure at this party. Irritation scratched through him at the image of Carina sleeping with Edward. For God’s sake, didn’t she listen anymore? He curbed his temper. Time to have another little chat. And be a bit more forceful this time. Max ushered Laura and Edward out, and motioned for Carina to stay in his office.

“Laura seems very nice.”

His gaze tried to strip off her polite veneer but came up empty. “She is. I’m surprised you’re attending a work party with a business associate.”

“Many office employees attend these parties together.”

Her bland tone challenged him to take it up a notch. “You made it clear I should stay out of your private business. But I’m concerned about your reputation at La Dolce Maggie.”

“How so?”

Hmm. A slight tremble in her hands finally steadied. Her new ability to rein in her emotions intrigued his dominant instincts to push. “You are a founding member of this company. You don’t want it leaked around the office that you’re easy.”

A flush hit her cheeks but she remained still. “Easy? One date and you have me whoring around the office, huh?”

He almost jerked back but caught himself. “Rumors are easy to start. I already saw the way Ethan in accounting was following you around like a trained puppy. Are you dating him, too?”

The slow smile threw him off. “Wouldn’t you like to know?”

He stared at this woman he didn’t know anymore. “I’m looking out for your career. I told you many times American men are different. I want you to be careful. Capisce?”

“You disrespect me more than any man wanting to get me into bed, Max.” Tiny puffs of breath escaped her lips, but she remained in control. Not one stray curl escaped her ruthless chignon. Her almond eyes simmered with a banked heat he itched to play with. “Men with physical needs are quite simple. But you use that masterful brain of yours to play head games. Setting up women for the kill. You like to control all the elements on the playing field so no one gets hurt, don’t you? But poor Laura is already falling for you, and you won’t even invite her to dinner.”

Merda, when had she gotten so sarcastic? “Laura knows the rules. You do not.”