Page 68 of Brutal Kiss

And then it clicks. His face snaps into focus. It’s the face of the guy that pressed a knife to my throat. The guy that Rian killed with his club. The bastard that pulled my hair and pressed a blade against my neck and whispered about murdering me, and would’ve done it, if it weren’t for my bodyguard.

My Rian.

“He deserved what he got.” The words are out before I can stop them. Maceo stands up, walks to my cot, and slaps me so hard I see stars. He walks back and sits down calmly.

“You will watch your mouth.”

I spit blood onto the floor. I don’t think any of my teeth are loose, which is good. Fuck, my skull’s pounding now, and I’m pretty sure he just gave me another concussion. I sit straight again with some effort, barely able to hold myself upright, blinking to keep him in focus.

This man is insane. His brother was a murderer. His brother would’ve slit my throat and left me to bleed out in the street like a pig if given the chance. And he’s this upset about losing him? I had no other choice. Rian did what he had to do, and now Aiden paid for it. This is a sick, twisted joke. It has to be. It’s not like that dead asshole Hasad was somehow innocent.

This whole situation is grotesque. I’m trapped in this hell because my father wanted to sell me to the Turks in order to make peace between our families. Instead, Aiden is dead because Rian killed a Turkish hitman who happened to be brothers with the second in command of their crime organization. It’s all so twisted and wrong and I want to scream, but I feel so deflated. I’m trapped with this insane piece of garbage, and he’s looking at me like I’m the revenge he’s been desperately searching for, and I have a feeling he isn’t finished with me.

“Now you understand why you are here.” Maceo still stares, not moving. It’s more than a little disconcerting. “You understand why your brother is dead. My brother was murdered and now your brother has been murdered. We are, as they say, even.”

“Even?” I choke the word out. The idea is so absurd. “How are we even? Your brother was trying to murder me. That was self-defense. Was I supposed to roll over and let him do it? Should I have told my bodyguard to back off because, oh, poor Hasad’s brother might be upset?”

“Doesn’t matter.” He shakes his head slowly. “Emin asked if I could marry an Irish girl. He said that if I married you, we could end this war. One sacrifice could make my brother’s life worth it. And you know what I told him? Not until she feels the pain I felt. Then I will make her my wife. Do you feel my pain now, Daley Halloran? Does it hurt, knowing your brother is dead and it’s your fault?”

I lean forward, my face in my hands. “Why are you doing this?”

“Because I ordered my brother to kill you and he died for it. And now that we’re one in this pain, I will take you as my wife. I will make you my bride. And we will heal the wounds between our families.”

I want to throw up. This man is insane, truly mentally insane, if he thinks that’s a remote possibility.

“My father will never let that happen. Not after what you did to Aiden. You realize that, don’t you? My father’s going to keep fighting because you killed his son.”

“He won’t.” Maceo stands and frowns at me like he smells something awful. “He’s not a dumb man. He’ll be angry. He might even try to hurt us. But he won’t keep the war going. Not when you’re my bride. Not when you’re the perfect reason to stop all this.”

I shift back, trying to get away from him, but he comes toward me. He’s big, so big, and I look around wildly, trying to find something to fight him with. He reaches down and grabs my ankle and yanks, and it sends me off-balance. The back of my head smacks against the wall as he drags me to the edge of the cot.

I groan, seeing more stars. I blink them away as he grabs my hair and drags me up.

“Pretty Daley,” he whispers, staring at me with an open mouth. “You’re almost worth debasing myself for. Look at you. Pretty Irish girl. I won’t mind making you my wife and putting my children in you, again and again. I won’t mind breeding you like a fucking dog.” He rips my hair back, and I scream as Maceo’s hand moves down my throat toward my breasts.

He’s going to assault me, right here and now. This animal doesn’t see me as a person. I’m the enemy to him, and he’s going to rape me, use me, and force me into a marriage I don’t want.